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elliptic cases of R-a(b;z)


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1: 23.2 Definitions and Periodic Properties
§23.2(i) Lattices
§23.2(ii) Weierstrass Elliptic Functions
§23.2(iii) Periodicity
2: 22.15 Inverse Functions
§22.15 Inverse Functions
§22.15(i) Definitions
The principal values satisfy …
§22.15(ii) Representations as Elliptic Integrals
3: 22.2 Definitions
§22.2 Definitions
where K ( k ) , K ( k ) are defined in §19.2(ii). … As a function of z , with fixed k , each of the 12 Jacobian elliptic functions is doubly periodic, having two periods whose ratio is not real. … … s s ( z , k ) = 1 . …
4: 19.16 Definitions
§19.16(i) Symmetric Integrals
All elliptic integrals of the form (19.2.3) and many multiple integrals, including (19.23.6) and (19.23.6_5), are special cases of a multivariate hypergeometric function … …
§19.16(iii) Various Cases of R a ( 𝐛 ; 𝐳 )
All other elliptic cases are integrals of the second kind. …
5: 22.16 Related Functions
§22.16(i) Jacobi’s Amplitude ( am ) Function
Relation to Elliptic Integrals
Relation to the Elliptic Integral E ( ϕ , k )
(Sometimes in the literature Z ( x | k ) is denoted by Z ( am ( x , k ) , k 2 ) .) …
6: 19.2 Definitions
§19.2(i) General Elliptic Integrals
§19.2(ii) Legendre’s Integrals
Also, if k 2 and α 2 are real, then Π ( ϕ , α 2 , k ) is called a circular or hyperbolic case according as α 2 ( α 2 k 2 ) ( α 2 1 ) is negative or positive. The circular and hyperbolic cases alternate in the four intervals of the real line separated by the points α 2 = 0 , k 2 , 1 . …
§19.2(iii) Bulirsch’s Integrals
7: 36.2 Catastrophes and Canonical Integrals
Normal Forms for Umbilic Catastrophes with Codimension K = 3
(elliptic umbilic). …
Canonical Integrals
§36.2(ii) Special Cases
§36.2(iv) Addendum to 36.2(ii) Special Cases
8: 22.21 Tables
§22.21 Tables
Spenceley and Spenceley (1947) tabulates sn ( K x , k ) , cn ( K x , k ) , dn ( K x , k ) , am ( K x , k ) , ( K x , k ) for arcsin k = 1 ( 1 ) 89 and x = 0 ( 1 90 ) 1 to 12D, or 12 decimals of a radian in the case of am ( K x , k ) . Curtis (1964b) tabulates sn ( m K / n , k ) , cn ( m K / n , k ) , dn ( m K / n , k ) for n = 2 ( 1 ) 15 , m = 1 ( 1 ) n 1 , and q (not k ) = 0 ( .005 ) 0.35 to 20D. Lawden (1989, pp. 280–284 and 293–297) tabulates sn ( x , k ) , cn ( x , k ) , dn ( x , k ) , ( x , k ) , Z ( x | k ) to 5D for k = 0.1 ( .1 ) 0.9 , x = 0 ( .1 ) X , where X ranges from 1. … Zhang and Jin (1996, p. 678) tabulates sn ( K x , k ) , cn ( K x , k ) , dn ( K x , k ) for k = 1 4 , 1 2 and x = 0 ( .1 ) 4 to 7D. …
9: 23.23 Tables
§23.23 Tables
2 in Abramowitz and Stegun (1964) gives values of ( z ) , ( z ) , and ζ ( z ) to 7 or 8D in the rectangular and rhombic cases, normalized so that ω 1 = 1 and ω 3 = i a (rectangular case), or ω 1 = 1 and ω 3 = 1 2 + i a (rhombic case), for a = 1. …The values are tabulated on the real and imaginary z -axes, mostly ranging from 0 to 1 or i in steps of length 0. 05, and in the case of ( z ) the user may deduce values for complex z by application of the addition theorem (23.10.1). …
10: 22.8 Addition Theorems
§22.8 Addition Theorems
§22.8(iii) Special Relations Between Arguments
If sums/differences of the z j ’s are rational multiples of K ( k ) , then further relations follow. …is independent of z 1 , z 2 , z 3 . …