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1: 27.2 Functions
is the number of divisors of n and is the divisor function. It is the special case k = 2 of the function d k ( n ) that counts the number of ways of expressing n as the product of k factors, with the order of factors taken into account. …Note that σ 0 ( n ) = d ( n ) . …is the number of k -tuples of integers n whose greatest common divisor is relatively prime to n . … Table 27.2.2 tabulates the Euler totient function ϕ ( n ) , the divisor function d ( n ) ( = σ 0 ( n ) ), and the sum of the divisors σ ( n ) ( = σ 1 ( n ) ), for n = 1 ( 1 ) 52 . …
2: 26.12 Plane Partitions
Table 26.12.1: Plane partitions.
n pp ( n ) n pp ( n ) n pp ( n )
3 6 20 75278 37 903 79784
§26.12(ii) Generating Functions
where σ 2 ( j ) is the sum of the squares of the divisors of j . …
26.12.26 pp ( n ) ( ζ ( 3 ) ) 7 / 36 2 11 / 36 ( 3 π ) 1 / 2 n 25 / 36 exp ( 3 ( ζ ( 3 ) ) 1 / 3 ( 1 2 n ) 2 / 3 + ζ ( 1 ) ) ,
where ζ is the Riemann ζ -function25.2(i)). …
3: Bibliography G
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  • 4: 26.10 Integer Partitions: Other Restrictions
    §26.10(ii) Generating Functions
    where the last right-hand side is the sum over m 0 of the generating functions for partitions into distinct parts with largest part equal to m . … where the inner sum is the sum of all positive odd divisors of t . … where the inner sum is the sum of all positive divisors of t that are in S . …
    §26.10(vi) Bessel-Function Expansion
    5: Bibliography W
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  • 6: Bibliography K
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