divergent integrals
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1: 2.6 Distributional Methods
§2.6(i) Divergent Integrals
… ►Although divergent, these integrals may be interpreted in a generalized sense. … ►The fact that expansion (2.6.6) misses all the terms in the second series in (2.6.7) raises the question: what went wrong with our process of reaching (2.6.6)? In the following subsections, we use some elementary facts of distribution theory (§1.16) to study the proper use of divergent integrals. … ►On inserting this identity into (2.6.54), we immediately encounter divergent integrals of the form …However, in the theory of generalized functions (distributions), there is a method, known as “regularization”, by which these integrals can be interpreted in a meaningful manner. …2: 36.14 Other Physical Applications
§36.14(i) Caustics
… ►These are the structurally stable focal singularities (envelopes) of families of rays, on which the intensities of the geometrical (ray) theory diverge. … ►§36.14(ii) Optics
… ►§36.14(iii) Quantum Mechanics
… ►§36.14(iv) Acoustics
…3: 2.7 Differential Equations
►We cannot take and because would diverge as .
4: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
►The divergence of a differentiable vector-valued function is
§1.6(iv) Path and Line Integrals
… ►The path integral of a continuous function is … ►The integral of a continuous function over a surface is … ►Gauss’s (or Divergence) Theorem
…5: 2.11 Remainder Terms; Stokes Phenomenon
►For divergent expansions the situation is even more difficult.
►As an example consider
►However, regardless whether we can bound the remainder, the accuracy achievable by direct numerical summation of a divergent asymptotic series is always limited.
►From §8.19(i) the generalized exponential integral is given by
►The transformations in §3.9 for summing slowly convergent series can also be very effective when applied to divergent asymptotic series.
6: Bibliography S
Non-linear transformations of divergent and slowly convergent sequences.
J. Math. Phys. 34, pp. 1–42.
Gaussian-transform method for molecular integrals. I. Formulation for energy integrals.
J. Chem. Phys. 43 (2), pp. 398–414.
Algorithm AS 239. Chi-squared and incomplete gamma integral.
Appl. Statist. 37 (3), pp. 466–473.
Non-linear integral equations for Heun functions.
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 16, pp. 281–289.
The Use of Integral Transforms.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
7: 22.19 Physical Applications
►The period is .
►As from below the period diverges since are points of unstable equilibrium.
►As from below the period diverges since is a point of unstable equlilibrium.
…As from above the period again diverges.
§22.19(iv) Tops
…8: 22.3 Graphics
9: Bibliography H
Une -intégrale de Selberg et Askey.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 19 (6), pp. 1475–1489.
Certain integrals that contain a probability function.
Bul. Akad. Štiince RSS Moldoven. 1975 (2), pp. 86–88, 95 (Russian).
Elliptic Integrals.
Dover Publications Inc., New York.
Divergent Series.
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Definitions of Stieltjes Integrals of the Riemann Type.
Amer. Math. Monthly 45 (5), pp. 265–278.