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discrete Fourier transform


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1: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
Example. The Discrete Fourier Transform
is called a discrete Fourier transform pair. … The direct computation of the discrete Fourier transform (3.11.38), that is, of …
2: 24.19 Methods of Computation
  • A method related to “Stickelberger codes” is applied in Buhler et al. (2001); in particular, it allows for an efficient search for the irregular pairs ( 2 n , p ) . Discrete Fourier transforms are used in the computations. See also Crandall (1996, pp. 120–124).

  • 3: 18.3 Definitions
    It is also related to a discrete Fourier-cosine transform, see Britanak et al. (2007). …
    4: Bibliography H
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  • 7: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
    The analogous orthonormality is …
    §1.18(v) Point Spectra and Eigenfunction Expansions
    For f ( x ) even in x this yields the Fourier cosine transform pair (1.14.9) & (1.14.11), and for f ( x ) odd the Fourier sine transform pair (1.14.10) & (1.14.12). …
    8: Bibliography L
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