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1: Alexander I. Bobenko
► Eitner), published by Springer in 2000, and Discrete Differential Geometry: Integrable Structure (with Y.
…He is also coeditor of Discrete Integrable Geometry and Physics (with R.
Seiler), published by Oxford University Press in 1999, and Discrete Differential Geometry (with P.
2: Vadim B. Kuznetsov
►Kuznetsov published papers on special functions and orthogonal polynomials, the quantum scattering method, integrable discrete many-body systems, separation of variables, Bäcklund transformation techniques, and integrability in classical and quantum mechanics.
3: 26.22 Software
4: 20.11 Generalizations and Analogs
►It is a discrete analog of theta functions.
If both are positive, then allows inversion of its arguments as a modular transformation (compare (23.15.3) and (23.15.4)):
…This is the discrete analog of the Poisson identity (§1.8(iv)).
5: 18.27 -Hahn Class
§18.27(vii) Discrete -Hermite I and II Polynomials
►Discrete -Hermite I
… ►Discrete -Hermite II
… ►
►For discrete
-Hermite II polynomials the measure is not uniquely determined.
6: Bibliography Y
-squared discretizations of the continuum: Radial kinetic energy and the Coulomb Hamiltonian.
Phys. Rev. A 11 (4), pp. 1144–1156.
7: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
► The analogous orthonormality is
►These sets may be discrete, continuous, or a combination of both, as discussed in the following three subsections.
§1.18(v) Point Spectra and Eigenfunction Expansions
… ► … ► …8: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
►The properties of determine whether the spectrum, this being the set of eigenvalues of , is discrete, continuous, or mixed, see §1.18.
►However, in the remainder of this section will will assume that the spectrum is discrete, and that the eigenfunctions of form a discrete, normed, and complete basis for a Hilbert space.
►The spectrum is entirely discrete as in §1.18(v).
►The spectrum is entirely discrete as in §1.18(v).
►In the attractive case (18.35.6_4) for the discrete parts of the weight function where with , are also simplified:
9: 18.1 Notation
10: 18.19 Hahn Class: Definitions
►The Hahn class consists of four discrete families (Hahn, Krawtchouk, Meixner, and Charlier) and two continuous families (continuous Hahn and Meixner–Pollaczek).
Hahn class (or linear lattice class). These are OP’s where the role of is played by or or (see §18.1(i) for the definition of these operators). The Hahn class consists of four discrete and two continuous families.
Wilson class (or quadratic lattice class). These are OP’s ( of degree in , quadratic in ) where the role of the differentiation operator is played by or or . The Wilson class consists of two discrete and two continuous families.