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1: 30.16 Methods of Computation
2: About Color Map
►We use color to augment these vizualizations, either to reinforce the recognition of the height, or to convey an extra dimension to represent the phase of complex valued functions.
3: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
4: 21.2 Definitions
5: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
Example 1: In one and two dimensions any with a ‘Dip, or Well’ has a partly discrete spectrum
►Suppose that is the whole real line in one dimension, and that , in (1.18.28) has (non-oscillatory) limits of at both , and thus a continuous spectrum on . … … ►Put () and (), the deficiency indices for . … ►Thus has dimension 0, 1 or 2. …6: 10.73 Physical Applications
►Accordingly, the spherical Bessel functions appear in all problems in three dimensions with spherical symmetry involving the scattering of electromagnetic radiation.
7: Bibliography P
Remarks on computing the probability integral in one and two dimensions.
In Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical
Statistics and Probability, 1945, 1946,
pp. 63–78.
8: Bibliography S
The Bound State of Weakly Coupled Schrödinger Operators in One and Two Dimensions.
Annals of Physics 97 (2), pp. 279–288.
Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis and uncertainity. IV. Extensions to many dimensions; generalized prolate spheroidal functions.
Bell System Tech. J. 43, pp. 3009–3057.
9: 1.2 Elementary Algebra
10: 18.38 Mathematical Applications