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1: 8.24 Physical Applications
§8.24(ii) Incomplete Beta Functions
The function I x ( a , b ) appears in: Monte Carlo sampling in statistical mechanics (Kofke (2004)); analysis of packings of soft or granular objects (Prellberg and Owczarek (1995)); growth formulas in cosmology (Hamilton (2001)). …
2: 13.28 Physical Applications
§13.28(iii) Other Applications
For dynamics of many-body systems see Meden and Schönhammer (1992); for tomography see D’Ariano et al. (1994); for generalized coherent states see Barut and Girardello (1971); for relativistic cosmology see Crisóstomo et al. (2004).
3: Bibliography H
  • A. J. S. Hamilton (2001) Formulae for growth factors in expanding universes containing matter and a cosmological constant. Monthly Notices Roy. Astronom. Soc. 322 (2), pp. 419–425.