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coordinate systems


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11—20 of 22 matching pages

11: 30.14 Wave Equation in Oblate Spheroidal Coordinates
§30.14(i) Oblate Spheroidal Coordinates
12: 14.19 Toroidal (or Ring) Functions
This form of the differential equation arises when Laplace’s equation is transformed into toroidal coordinates ( η , θ , ϕ ) , which are related to Cartesian coordinates ( x , y , z ) by …
13: 23.20 Mathematical Applications
23.20.2 C : y 2 z = x 3 + a x z 2 + b z 3 ,
14: 30.13 Wave Equation in Prolate Spheroidal Coordinates
§30.13(i) Prolate Spheroidal Coordinates
15: Bibliography P
  • S. Pratt (2007) Comoving coordinate system for relativistic hydrodynamics. Phy. Rev. C 75, pp. (024907–1)–(024907–10).
  • 16: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    By (1.5.17) the first term in (18.39.21), which is the quantum kinetic energy operator T e , can be written in spherical coordinates r , θ , ϕ as …
    17: Bibliography M
  • P. Moon and D. E. Spencer (1971) Field Theory Handbook. Including Coordinate Systems, Differential Equations and Their Solutions. 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • 18: 32.6 Hamiltonian Structure
    P I P VI  can be written as a Hamiltonian system
    19: Guide to Searching the DLMF
    Table 2: Wildcard Examples
    Query What it stands for
    co$te Coordinate, conjugate, correlate,…
    If a query does not return any hits, the DLMF search system relaxes the query to match and retrieve what may be intended by the original query. …Therefore, if your query is Ai^2+Bi^2, the system modifies the query so it will find the equations containing the latter expressions. … To recognize the math symbols and structures, and to accommodate equivalence between various notations and various forms of expression, the search system maps the math part of your queries into a different form. … The syntax of the special functions can be -like or as employed in widely used computer algebra systems. …
    20: 28.33 Physical Applications
    Physical problems involving Mathieu functions include vibrational problems in elliptical coordinates; see (28.32.1). …In elliptical coordinates (28.32.2) becomes (28.32.3). …
  • Daymond (1955) for vibrating systems.

  • If the parameters of a physical system vary periodically with time, then the question of stability arises, for example, a mathematical pendulum whose length varies as cos ( 2 ω t ) . …
  • McLachlan (1947, Chapter XV) for amplitude distortion in moving-coil loud-speakers, frequency modulation, dynamical systems, and vibration of stretched strings.