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1: Bibliography M
  • I. G. Macdonald (1982) Some conjectures for root systems. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (6), pp. 988–1007.
  • I. G. Macdonald (2000) Orthogonal polynomials associated with root systems. Sém. Lothar. Combin. 45, pp. Art. B45a, 40 pp. (electronic).
  • R. Metzler, J. Klafter, and J. Jortner (1999) Hierarchies and logarithmic oscillations in the temporal relaxation patterns of proteins and other complex systems. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U .S. A. 96 (20), pp. 11085–11089.
  • P. Moon and D. E. Spencer (1971) Field Theory Handbook. Including Coordinate Systems, Differential Equations and Their Solutions. 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • MuPAD (commercial interactive system and Matlab toolbox) SciFace Software, Paderborn, Germany.
  • 2: Bibliography R
  • J. Raynal (1979) On the definition and properties of generalized 6 - j  symbols. J. Math. Phys. 20 (12), pp. 2398–2415.
  • REDUCE (free interactive system)
  • W. Reinhardt (1982) Complex Coordinates in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Structure and Dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 33, pp. 223–255.
  • S. O. Rice (1954) Diffraction of plane radio waves by a parabolic cylinder. Calculation of shadows behind hills. Bell System Tech. J. 33, pp. 417–504.
  • H. Rosengren (2004) Elliptic hypergeometric series on root systems. Adv. Math. 181 (2), pp. 417–447.
  • 3: Bibliography P
  • PARI-GP (free interactive system and C library)
  • R. Piessens (1982) Automatic computation of Bessel function integrals. Comput. Phys. Comm. 25 (3), pp. 289–295.
  • F. Pollaczek (1949b) Systèmes de polynomes biorthogonaux qui généralisent les polynomes ultrasphériques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 228, pp. 1998–2000.
  • S. Pratt (2007) Comoving coordinate system for relativistic hydrodynamics. Phy. Rev. C 75, pp. (024907–1)–(024907–10).