coordinate systems
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1: 28.27 Addition Theorems
►Addition theorems provide important connections between Mathieu functions with different parameters and in different coordinate systems.
2: Howard S. Cohl
►Cohl has published papers in orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and is particularly interested in fundamental solutions of linear partial differential equations on Riemannian manifolds, associated Legendre functions, generalized and basic hypergeometric functions, eigenfunction expansions of fundamental solutions in separable coordinate systems for linear partial differential equations, orthogonal polynomial generating function and generalized expansions, and -series.
3: 14.31 Other Applications
►The conical functions appear in boundary-value problems for the Laplace equation in toroidal coordinates (§14.19(i)) for regions bounded by cones, by two intersecting spheres, or by one or two confocal hyperboloids of revolution (Kölbig (1981)).
4: 13.28 Physical Applications
§13.28(i) Exact Solutions of the Wave Equation
…5: 12.17 Physical Applications
§12.17 Physical Applications
… ► …6: 28.32 Mathematical Applications
§28.32(i) Elliptical Coordinates and an Integral Relationship
… ►Kernels can be found, for example, by separating solutions of the wave equation in other systems of orthogonal coordinates. … ►§28.32(ii) Paraboloidal Coordinates
►The general paraboloidal coordinate system is linked with Cartesian coordinates via …7: 29.18 Mathematical Applications
8: 31.17 Physical Applications
9: 23.21 Physical Applications