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1: 32.16 Physical Applications
2: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
§1.4(ii) Continuity
… ► … ► … ►For an example, see Figure 1.4.1 … ►Absolutely Continuous Stieltjes Measure
…3: 18.25 Wilson Class: Definitions
►The Wilson class consists of two discrete families (Racah and dual Hahn) and two continuous families (Wilson and continuous dual Hahn).
►Under certain conditions on their parameters the orthogonality range for the Wilson polynomials and continuous dual Hahn polynomials is , where is a specific finite set, e.
§18.25(ii) Weights and Standardizations: Continuous Cases
… ►Continuous Dual Hahn
… ►Table 18.25.2 provides the leading coefficients (§18.2(iii)) for the Wilson, continuous dual Hahn, Racah, and dual Hahn polynomials. …4: About Color Map
Continuous Phase Mapping
►For the continuous phase mapping, we map the phase continuously onto the hue, as both are periodic. … ► …5: 18.29 Asymptotic Approximations for -Hahn and Askey–Wilson Classes
►Ismail (1986) gives asymptotic expansions as , with and other parameters fixed, for continuous
-ultraspherical, big and little -Jacobi, and Askey–Wilson polynomials.
►For a uniform asymptotic expansion of the Stieltjes–Wigert polynomials, see Wang and Wong (2006).
►For asymptotic approximations to the largest zeros of the -Laguerre and continuous
-Hermite polynomials see Chen and Ismail (1998).
6: 18.1 Notation
Continuous Hahn: .
Continuous Dual Hahn: .
Continuous -Ultraspherical: .
Continuous -Hermite: .
Continuous -Hermite:
7: 18.26 Wilson Class: Continued
Wilson Continuous Dual Hahn
… ►Wilson Continuous Hahn
… ►Continuous Dual Hahn Meixner–Pollaczek
… ►Continuous Dual Hahn
… ►Koornwinder (2009) rescales and reparametrizes Racah polynomials and Wilson polynomials in such a way that they are continuous in their four parameters, provided that these parameters are nonnegative. …8: 18.28 Askey–Wilson Class
§18.28(v) Continuous -Ultraspherical Polynomials
… ►§18.28(vi) Continuous -Hermite Polynomials
… ►§18.28(ix) Continuous -Jacobi Polynomials
… ►Specialization to continuous -ultraspherical: … ►From Continuous -Ultraspherical to Continuous -Hermite
…9: 18.19 Hahn Class: Definitions
►The Hahn class consists of four discrete families (Hahn, Krawtchouk, Meixner, and Charlier) and two continuous families (continuous Hahn and Meixner–Pollaczek).
Hahn class (or linear lattice class). These are OP’s where the role of is played by or or (see §18.1(i) for the definition of these operators). The Hahn class consists of four discrete and two continuous families.
Wilson class (or quadratic lattice class). These are OP’s ( of degree in , quadratic in ) where the role of the differentiation operator is played by or or . The Wilson class consists of two discrete and two continuous families.