contiguous functions
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1: 16.3 Derivatives and Contiguous Functions
§16.3 Derivatives and Contiguous Functions
… โบ§16.3(ii) Contiguous Functions
โบTwo generalized hypergeometric functions are (generalized) contiguous if they have the same pair of values of and , and corresponding parameters differ by integers. If , then any distinct contiguous functions are linearly related. …2: 15.5 Derivatives and Contiguous Functions
§15.5 Derivatives and Contiguous Functions
… โบ§15.5(ii) Contiguous Functions
โบThe six functions , , are said to be contiguous to . … โบBy repeated applications of (15.5.11)–(15.5.18) any function , in which are integers, can be expressed as a linear combination of and any one of its contiguous functions, with coefficients that are rational functions of , and . โบAn equivalent equation to the hypergeometric differential equation (15.10.1) is …3: 16.4 Argument Unity
โบSee Bailey (1964, §§4.3(7) and 7.6(1)) for the transformation formulas and Wilson (1978) for contiguous relations.
4: 17.6 Function
Heine’s Contiguous Relations
…5: 10.21 Zeros
โบThe positive zeros of any two real distinct cylinder functions of the same order are interlaced, as are the positive zeros of any real cylinder function
and the contiguous function
6: Bibliography S
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7: Bibliography G
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