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1: 21.2 Definitions
§21.2(ii) Riemann Theta Functions with Characteristics
… ►This function is referred to as a Riemann theta function with characteristics . … ►
►Characteristics whose elements are either or are called half-period characteristics.
For given , there are
-dimensional Riemann theta functions with half-period characteristics.
2: 21.8 Abelian Functions
§21.8 Abelian Functions
… ►For every Abelian function, there is a positive integer , such that the Abelian function can be expressed as a ratio of linear combinations of products with factors of Riemann theta functions with characteristics that share a common period lattice. …3: 28.34 Methods of Computation
4: 28.7 Analytic Continuation of Eigenvalues
§28.7 Analytic Continuation of Eigenvalues
… ►The normal values are simple roots of the corresponding equations (28.2.21) and (28.2.22). … ► … ►
5: 28.17 Stability as
6: 21.3 Symmetry and Quasi-Periodicity
§21.3(ii) Riemann Theta Functions with Characteristics
… ►
…For Riemann theta functions with half-period characteristics,
7: 28.30 Expansions in Series of Eigenfunctions
►Let , , be the set of characteristic values (28.29.16) and (28.29.17), arranged in their natural order (see (28.29.18)), and let , , be the eigenfunctions, that is, an orthonormal set of -periodic solutions; thus
8: 28.16 Asymptotic Expansions for Large
§28.16 Asymptotic Expansions for Large
…9: 28.15 Expansions for Small
10: 21.1 Special Notation
►Uppercase boldface letters are real or complex matrices.
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the Riemann theta functions , and the Riemann theta functions with characteristics
►The function is also commonly used; see, for example, Belokolos et al. (1994, §2.5), Dubrovin (1981), and Fay (1973, Chapter 1).