chain rule
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1: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
2: Bibliography
Nonlinear chains and Painlevé equations.
Phys. D 73 (4), pp. 335–351.
Numerical computation of Tricomi’s psi function by the trapezoidal rule.
Computing 39 (3), pp. 271–279.
Numerical evaluation of the Kummer function with complex argument by the trapezoidal rule.
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 49 (3), pp. 315–327.
Umbral calculus, Bailey chains, and pentagonal number theorems.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 91 (1-2), pp. 464–475.
Bailey’s Transform, Lemma, Chains and Tree.
In Special Functions 2000: Current Perspective and Future
Directions (Tempe, AZ), J. Bustoz, M. E. H. Ismail, and S. K. Suslov (Eds.),
NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., Vol. 30, pp. 1–22.
3: 1.5 Calculus of Two or More Variables
Chain Rule
…4: 17.12 Bailey Pairs
►When (17.12.5) is iterated the resulting infinite sequence of Bailey pairs is called a Bailey Chain.
►The Bailey pair and Bailey chain concepts have been extended considerably.
5: 10.73 Physical Applications
§10.73(i) Bessel and Modified Bessel Functions
►Bessel functions first appear in the investigation of a physical problem in Daniel Bernoulli’s analysis of the small oscillations of a uniform heavy flexible chain. …6: 3.5 Quadrature
§3.5(i) Trapezoidal Rules
… ►The composite trapezoidal rule is … ►§3.5(ii) Simpson’s Rule
… ►§3.5(iv) Interpolatory Quadrature Rules
… ► …7: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
§3.8(ii) Newton’s Rule
… ► … ►Newton’s rule is given by … ►Another iterative method is Halley’s rule: …The rule converges locally and is cubically convergent. …8: 8.25 Methods of Computation
►See Allasia and Besenghi (1987b) for the numerical computation of from (8.6.4) by means of the trapezoidal rule.
►A numerical inversion procedure is also given for calculating the value of (with 10S accuracy), when and are specified, based on Newton’s rule (§3.8(ii)).
9: 9.17 Methods of Computation
►The trapezoidal rule (§3.5(i)) is then applied.
►Zeros of the Airy functions, and their derivatives, can be computed to high precision via Newton’s rule (§3.8(ii)) or Halley’s rule (§3.8(v)), using values supplied by the asymptotic expansions of §9.9(iv) as initial approximations.
10: About MathML
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