cases of failure
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1: 2.11 Remainder Terms; Stokes Phenomenon
►Secondly, the asymptotic series represents an infinite class of functions, and the remainder depends on which member we have in mind.
►In the transition through , changes very rapidly, but smoothly, from one form to the other; compare the graph of its modulus in Figure 2.11.1 in the case
►uniformly with respect to in each case.
2: 2.6 Distributional Methods
►Similarly, in the case
, we define
…In either case, we define the distribution associated with by
3: 23.23 Tables
►2 in Abramowitz and Stegun (1964) gives values of , , and to 7 or 8D in the rectangular and rhombic cases, normalized so that and (rectangular case), or and (rhombic case), for = 1.
…05, and in the case of the user may deduce values for complex by application of the addition theorem (23.10.1).
4: 18.31 Bernstein–Szegő Polynomials
►In consequence, can be given explicitly in terms of and sines and cosines, provided that in the first case, in the second case, and in the third case.
5: 12.18 Methods of Computation
►Because PCFs are special cases of confluent hypergeometric functions, the methods of computation described in §13.29 are applicable to PCFs.
6: 17.16 Mathematical Applications
►Many special cases of -series arise in the theory of partitions, a topic treated in §§27.14(i) and 26.9.
7: 16.18 Special Cases
§16.18 Special Cases
►The and functions introduced in Chapters 13 and 15, as well as the more general functions introduced in the present chapter, are all special cases of the Meijer -function. …As a corollary, special cases of the and functions, including Airy functions, Bessel functions, parabolic cylinder functions, Ferrers functions, associated Legendre functions, and many orthogonal polynomials, are all special cases of the Meijer -function. …8: 12.1 Special Notation
►Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the variable, and fractional powers take their principal values.
►Whittaker’s notation is useful when is a nonnegative integer (Hermite polynomial case).
9: Possible Errors in DLMF
►There are also cases where browser bugs or poor fonts can be misleading; you can verify MathML display by comparing the to the images or TeXfound under Encodings in the Info boxes (see About MathML).
10: 16.25 Methods of Computation
►In these cases integration, or recurrence, in either a forward or a backward direction is unstable.