boundary-value methods or problems
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1: 3.6 Linear Difference Equations
►In practice, however, problems of severe instability often arise and in §§3.6(ii)–3.6(vii) we show how these difficulties may be overcome.
►However, can be computed successfully in these circumstances by boundary-value methods, as follows.
►For a difference equation of order (),
…or for systems of first-order inhomogeneous equations, boundary-value methods are the rule rather than the exception.
2: 28.34 Methods of Computation
Solution of the systems of linear algebraic equations (28.4.5)–(28.4.8) and (28.14.4), with the conditions (28.4.9)–(28.4.12) and (28.14.5), by boundary-value methods (§3.6) to determine the Fourier coefficients. Subsequently, the Fourier series can be summed with the aid of Clenshaw’s algorithm (§3.11(ii)). See Meixner and Schäfke (1954, §2.87). This procedure can be combined with §28.34(ii)(d).
3: 11.13 Methods of Computation
►For both forward and backward integration are unstable, and boundary-value methods are required (§3.7(iii)).
►There are similar problems to those described in §11.13(iv) concerning stability.
In consequence forward recurrence, backward recurrence, or boundary-value methods may be necessary.
4: 12.17 Physical Applications
►By using instead coordinates of the parabolic cylinder , defined by
►Buchholz (1969) collects many results on boundary-value problems involving PCFs.
►Problems on high-frequency scattering in homogeneous media by parabolic cylinders lead to asymptotic methods for integrals involving PCFs.
For this topic and other boundary-value problems see Boyd (1973), Hillion (1997), Magnus (1941), Morse and Feshbach (1953a, b), Müller (1988), Ott (1985), Rice (1954), and Shanmugam (1978).
5: 3.7 Ordinary Differential Equations
§3.7(ii) Taylor-Series Method: Initial-Value Problems
… ►§3.7(iii) Taylor-Series Method: Boundary-Value Problems
… ►It will be observed that the present formulation of the Taylor-series method permits considerable parallelism in the computation, both for initial-value and boundary-value problems. … ►General methods for boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations are given in Ascher et al. (1995). ►§3.7(iv) Sturm–Liouville Eigenvalue Problems
…6: 9.17 Methods of Computation
7: 16.25 Methods of Computation
8: Brian D. Sleeman
► thesis was Some Boundary Value Problems Associated with the Heun Equation.
9: 29.19 Physical Applications
►Simply-periodic Lamé functions ( noninteger) can be used to solve boundary-value problems for Laplace’s equation in elliptical cones.