bilateral hypergeometric function
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1: 17.18 Methods of Computation
§17.18 Methods of Computation
…2: 17.1 Special Notation
§17.1 Special Notation
… ►The main functions treated in this chapter are the basic hypergeometric (or -hypergeometric) function , the bilateral basic hypergeometric (or bilateral -hypergeometric) function , and the -analogs of the Appell functions , , , and . …3: 17.8 Special Cases of Functions
§17.8 Special Cases of Functions
… ►Ramanujan’s Summation
Bailey’s Bilateral Summations
… ►For similar formulas see Verma and Jain (1983).4: 17.4 Basic Hypergeometric Functions
5: 17.10 Transformations of Functions
6: 16.4 Argument Unity
§16.4(v) Bilateral Series
►Denote, formally, the bilateral hypergeometric function ►