best uniform rational approximation
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1: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
§3.11(i) Minimax Polynomial Approximations
… ►Then there exists a unique th degree polynomial , called the minimax (or best uniform) polynomial approximation to on , that minimizes , where . … ►§3.11(iii) Minimax Rational Approximations
… ►Then the minimax (or best uniform) rational approximation … ►Example
…2: Bibliography Q
Uniform asymptotic expansions of a double integral: Coalescence of two stationary points.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 456, pp. 407–431.
“Best possible” upper and lower bounds for the zeros of the Bessel function
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (7), pp. 2833–2859.
3: 14.26 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
§14.26 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
►The uniform asymptotic approximations given in §14.15 for and for are extended to domains in the complex plane in the following references: §§14.15(i) and 14.15(ii), Dunster (2003b); §14.15(iii), Olver (1997b, Chapter 12); §14.15(iv), Boyd and Dunster (1986). … ►See also Frenzen (1990), Gil et al. (2000), Shivakumar and Wong (1988), Ursell (1984), and Wong (1989) for uniform asymptotic approximations obtained from integral representations.4: Browsers
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5: 16.26 Approximations
§16.26 Approximations
►For discussions of the approximation of generalized hypergeometric functions and the Meijer -function in terms of polynomials, rational functions, and Chebyshev polynomials see Luke (1975, §§5.12 - 5.13) and Luke (1977b, Chapters 1 and 9).6: Need Help?
►We have also tried to use the best technologies available in order to make this information useful and accessible.
7: 5.23 Approximations
§5.23(i) Rational Approximations
… ►Cody et al. (1973) gives minimax rational approximations for for the ranges and ; precision is variable. … ►§5.23(iii) Approximations in the Complex Plane
►See Schmelzer and Trefethen (2007) for a survey of rational approximations to various scaled versions of . ►For rational approximations to see Luke (1975, pp. 13–16).8: Bibliography W
Uniform asymptotics of the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials via the Riemann-Hilbert approach.
J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 85 (5), pp. 698–718.
Rational approximations for the modified Bessel function of the second kind.
Comput. Phys. Comm. 59 (3), pp. 471–493.
Rational Chebyshev approximation.
Numer. Math. 10 (4), pp. 289–306.
Rational Chebyshev approximations for the Bessel functions , , ,
Math. Comp. 39 (160), pp. 617–623.
On uniform asymptotic expansion of definite integrals.
J. Approximation Theory 7 (1), pp. 76–86.
9: 4.47 Approximations
§4.47 Approximations
… ►§4.47(ii) Rational Functions
… ►§4.47(iii) Padé Approximations
►Luke (1975, Chapter 3) supplies real and complex approximations for , , , , , , . …10: Bibliography T
Uniform asymptotic approximation of Fermi-Dirac integrals.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 31 (3), pp. 383–387.
Uniform asymptotic expansions of confluent hypergeometric functions.
J. Inst. Math. Appl. 22 (2), pp. 215–223.
Laplace type integrals: Transformation to standard form and uniform asymptotic expansions.
Quart. Appl. Math. 43 (1), pp. 103–123.
Uniform asymptotic expansions of integrals: A selection of problems.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 65 (1-3), pp. 395–417.
Rational Chebyshev approximation for the Fermi-Dirac integral
Solid–State Electronics 41 (5), pp. 771–773.