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1: 16.4 Argument Unity
►When the function is said to be balanced or Saalschützian.
Pfaff–Saalschütz Balanced Sum
… ►Contiguous balanced series have parameters shifted by an integer but still balanced. … …2: 16.24 Physical Applications
►These are balanced
functions with unit argument.
3: 17.4 Basic Hypergeometric Functions
►The series (17.4.1) is said to be balanced or Saalschützian when it terminates, , , and
►The series (17.4.1) is said to be k-balanced when and
4: 17.9 Further Transformations of Functions
Sears’ Balanced Transformations
…5: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
►The symbol (34.4.3), with an alternative expression as a terminating balanced
of unit argument, can be expressend in terms of Racah polynomials (18.26.3).
6: Bibliography M
summation theorems for basic hypergeometric series.
Adv. Math. 131 (1), pp. 93–187.