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asymptotic forms of higher coefficients


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11: Bibliography C
  • B. C. Carlson (1972b) Intégrandes à deux formes quadratiques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A–B 274 (15 May, 1972, Sér. A), pp. 1458–1461 (French).
  • M. A. Chaudhry, N. M. Temme, and E. J. M. Veling (1996) Asymptotics and closed form of a generalized incomplete gamma function. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 67 (2), pp. 371–379.
  • L. Chen, M. E. H. Ismail, and P. Simeonov (1999) Asymptotics of Racah coefficients and polynomials. J. Phys. A 32 (3), pp. 537–553.
  • G. Chrystal (1959a) Algebra: An Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. 6th edition, Vol. 1, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York.
  • G. Chrystal (1959b) Algebra: An Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. 6th edition, Vol. 2, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York.
  • 12: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    Orthogonal polynomials can be computed from their explicit polynomial form by Horner’s scheme (§1.11(i)). …
    A numerical approach to the recursion coefficients and quadrature abscissas and weights
    and these can be used for the recursion coefficientsThe question is then: how is this possible given only F N ( z ) , rather than F ( z ) itself? F N ( z ) often converges to smooth results for z off the real axis for z at a distance greater than the pole spacing of the x n , this may then be followed by approximate numerical analytic continuation via fitting to lower order continued fractions (either Padé, see §3.11(iv), or pointwise continued fraction approximants, see Schlessinger (1968, Appendix)), to F N ( z ) and evaluating these on the real axis in regions of higher pole density that those of the approximating function. … Achieving precisions at this level shown above requires higher than normal computational precision, see Gautschi (2009). …
    13: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
    Sometimes the equation takes the formBecause the method requires only one function evaluation per iteration, its numerical efficiency is ultimately higher than that of Newton’s method. … However, when the coefficients are all real, complex arithmetic can be avoided by the following iterative process. … Initial approximations to the zeros can often be found from asymptotic or other approximations to f ( z ) , or by application of the phase principle or Rouché’s theorem; see §1.10(iv). … Thus if f is the polynomial (3.8.8) and α is the coefficient a j , say, then …
    14: Errata
    The spectral theory of these operators, based on Sturm-Liouville and Liouville normal forms, distribution theory, is now discussed more completely, including linear algebra, matrices, matrices as linear operators, orthonormal expansions, Stieltjes integrals/measures, generating functions. …
  • Chapter 1 Additions

    The following additions were made in Chapter 1:

  • Subsection 2.1(iii)

    A short paragraph dealing with asymptotic approximations that are expressed in terms of two or more Poincaré asymptotic expansions has been added below (2.1.16).

  • Equation (13.9.16)

    Originally was expressed in term of asymptotic symbol . As a consequence of the use of the O order symbol on the right-hand side, was replaced by = .

  • Section 17.9

    The title was changed from Transformations of Higher ϕ r r Functions to Further Transformations of ϕ r r + 1 Functions.