around infinity
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1: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
2: 25.5 Integral Representations
►where the integration contour is a loop around the negative real axis; it starts at , encircles the origin once in the positive direction without enclosing any of the points , , …, and returns to .
3: 2.10 Sums and Sequences
4: 5.11 Asymptotic Expansions
5: 25.11 Hurwitz Zeta Function
►where the integration contour (see Figure 5.9.1) is a loop around the negative real axis as described for (25.5.20).
►As with fixed, ,
►As in the sector , with and fixed, we have the asymptotic expansion
►Similarly, as in the sector .
6: 1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable
►A function whose only singularities, other than the point at infinity, are poles is called a meromorphic function.
If the poles are infinite in number, then the point at infinity is called an essential singularity: it is the limit point of the poles.
►where and are respectively the numbers of zeros and poles, counting multiplicity, of within , and is the change in any continuous branch of as passes once around
in the positive sense.
►Branches of can be defined, for example, in the cut plane obtained from by removing the real axis from to and from to ; see Figure 1.10.1.
►The product , with for all , converges iff converges; and it converges absolutely iff converges.
7: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
►allows anharmonic, or amplitude dependent, frequencies of oscillation about , and also escape of the particle to with dissociation energy .
►where the orthogonality measure is now ,
►Orthogonality, with measure for , for fixed
►normalized with measure , .
►For applications of Legendre polynomials in fluid dynamics to study the flow around the outside of a puff of hot gas rising through the air, see Paterson (1983).