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analytic functions


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11—20 of 156 matching pages

11: 22.17 Moduli Outside the Interval [0,1]
§22.17(ii) Complex Moduli
12: 1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable
In any neighborhood of an isolated essential singularity, however small, an analytic function assumes every value in with at most one exception. …
Analytic Functions
Suppose that a n ( z ) are analytic functions in D . …
13: 32.2 Differential Equations
be a nonlinear second-order differential equation in which F is a rational function of w and d w / d z , and is locally analytic in z , that is, analytic except for isolated singularities in . … in which a ( z ) , b ( z ) , c ( z ) , d ( z ) , and ϕ ( z ) are locally analytic functions. …
14: 1.13 Differential Equations
Assume that in the equation … u and z belong to domains U and D respectively, the coefficients f ( u , z ) and g ( u , z ) are continuous functions of both variables, and for each fixed u (fixed z ) the two functions are analytic in z (in u ). Suppose also that at (a fixed) z 0 D , w and w / z are analytic functions of u . Then at each z D , w , w / z and 2 w / z 2 are analytic functions of u . … The inhomogeneous (or nonhomogeneous) equation …
15: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
A function analytic at every point of is said to be entire. … Inside the circle the sum of the series is an analytic function f ( z ) . …
16: 14.21 Definitions and Basic Properties
17: 14.24 Analytic Continuation
§14.24 Analytic Continuation
18: 10.34 Analytic Continuation
§10.34 Analytic Continuation
19: 10.11 Analytic Continuation
§10.11 Analytic Continuation
20: 2.7 Differential Equations
2.7.1 d 2 w d z 2 + f ( z ) d w d z + g ( z ) w = 0
All solutions are analytic at an ordinary point, and their Taylor-series expansions are found by equating coefficients. … In a finite or infinite interval ( a 1 , a 2 ) let f ( x ) be real, positive, and twice-continuously differentiable, and g ( x ) be continuous. …