analytic functions
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1: Simon Ruijsenaars
►His main research interests cover integrable systems, special functions, analytic difference equations, classical and quantum mechanics, and the relations between these areas.
2: 2.4 Contour Integrals
►Assume that and are analytic on an open domain that contains , with the possible exceptions of and .
In a neighborhood of
with , , , and the branches of and continuous and constructed with as along .
►in which is a large real or complex parameter, and are analytic functions of and continuous in and a second parameter .
3: 4.7 Derivatives and Differential Equations
►For a nonvanishing analytic function
, the general solution of the differential equation
4: 5.2 Definitions
5: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
§3.8 Nonlinear Equations
… ►This is an iterative method for real twice-continuously differentiable, or complex analytic, functions: … ►§3.8(v) Zeros of Analytic Functions
►Newton’s rule is the most frequently used iterative process for accurate computation of real or complex zeros of analytic functions . … ►§3.8(vi) Conditioning of Zeros
…6: 4.14 Definitions and Periodicity
7: 16.2 Definition and Analytic Properties
§16.2(ii) Case
… ►§16.2(iii) Case
… ►Elsewhere the generalized hypergeometric function is a multivalued function that is analytic except for possible branch points at , and . … ►§16.2(iv) Case
… ►§16.2(v) Behavior with Respect to Parameters
…8: 28.7 Analytic Continuation of Eigenvalues
►As functions of , and can be continued analytically in the complex -plane.
►All the , , can be regarded as belonging to a complete analytic function (in the large).
9: 4.28 Definitions and Periodicity
Periodicity and Zeros
…10: 4.2 Definitions
►This is a multivalued function of with branch point at .
is a single-valued analytic function on and real-valued when ranges over the positive real numbers.
§4.2(iii) The Exponential Function
… ►
►This is an analytic function of on , and is two-valued and discontinuous on the cut shown in Figure 4.2.1, unless .