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1: 3.9 Acceleration of Convergence
§3.9 Acceleration of Convergence
The transformation is accelerating if it is limit-preserving and if … This transformation is accelerating if { s n } is a linearly convergent sequence, i. … For applications to asymptotic expansions, see §2.11(vi), Olver (1997b, pp. 540–543), and Weniger (1989, 2003).
2: 17.18 Methods of Computation
Method (1) can sometimes be improved by application of convergence acceleration procedures; see §3.9. …
3: 15.19 Methods of Computation
Moreover, it is also possible to accelerate convergence by appropriate choice of z 0 . …
4: 33.23 Methods of Computation
Thompson and Barnett (1985, 1986) and Thompson (2004) use combinations of series, continued fractions, and Padé-accelerated asymptotic expansions (§3.11(iv)) for the analytic continuations of Coulomb functions. …
5: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
3.8.3 | z n + 1 ζ | < A | z n ζ | p
6: 36.13 Kelvin’s Ship-Wave Pattern
Then with g denoting the acceleration due to gravity, the wave height is approximately given by …
7: Bibliography
  • K. Alder, A. Bohr, T. Huus, B. Mottelson, and A. Winther (1956) Study of nuclear structure by electromagnetic excitation with accelerated ions. Rev. Mod. Phys. 28, pp. 432–542.
  • G. E. Andrews, I. P. Goulden, and D. M. Jackson (1986) Shanks’ convergence acceleration transform, Padé approximants and partitions. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 43 (1), pp. 70–84.
  • 8: Bibliography W
  • E. J. Weniger (1989) Nonlinear sequence transformations for the acceleration of convergence and the summation of divergent series. Computer Physics Reports 10 (5-6), pp. 189–371.
  • 9: 3.10 Continued Fractions
    For further information on the preceding algorithms, including convergence in the complex plane and methods for accelerating convergence, see Blanch (1964) and Lorentzen and Waadeland (1992, Chapter 3). …
    10: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    Gautschi (2004, p. 119–120) has explored the ε 0 + limit via the Wynn ε -algorithm, (3.9.11) to accelerate convergence, finding four to eight digits of precision in w ( x ) , depending smoothly on x , for N 4000 , for an example involving first numerator Legendre OP’s. …