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1: 24.1 Special Notation
Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials
The origin of the notation B n , B n ( x ) , is not clear. …
Euler Numbers and Polynomials
Its coefficients were first studied in Euler (1755); they were called Euler numbers by Raabe in 1851. The notations E n , E n ( x ) , as defined in §24.2(ii), were used in Lucas (1891) and Nörlund (1924). …
2: 6.17 Physical Applications
Geller and Ng (1969) cites work with applications from diffusion theory, transport problems, the study of the radiative equilibrium of stellar atmospheres, and the evaluation of exchange integrals occurring in quantum mechanics. …
3: 26.22 Software
  • World Combinatorics Exchange (website).

  • 4: Bibliography W
  • S. S. Wagstaff (2002) Prime Divisors of the Bernoulli and Euler Numbers. In Number Theory for the Millennium, III (Urbana, IL, 2000), pp. 357–374.
  • J. Waldvogel (2006) Fast construction of the Fejér and Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rules. BIT 46 (1), pp. 195–202.
  • G. N. Watson (1935a) Generating functions of class-numbers. Compositio Math. 1, pp. 39–68.
  • Wolfram’s Mathworld (website)
  • World Combinatorics Exchange (website)
  • 5: 19.16 Definitions
    It should be noted that the integrals (19.16.1)–(19.16.2_5) have been normalized so that R F ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) = R J ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) = R G ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) = 1 . … which is homogeneous and of degree a in the z ’s, and unchanged when the same permutation is applied to both sets of subscripts 1 , , n . … R a ( 𝐛 ; 𝐳 ) is an elliptic integral iff the z ’s are distinct and exactly four of the parameters a , a , b 1 , , b n are half-odd-integers, the rest are integers, and none of a , a , a + a is zero or a negative integer. The only cases that are integrals of the first kind are the four in which each of a and a is either 1 2 or 1 and each b j is 1 2 . … The last R -function has a = a = 1 2 . …
    6: 19.20 Special Cases
     Schneider that this is a transcendental number. …
    p = w y + ( 1 w ) z ,
    0 < w < 1 .
     Schneider that this is a transcendental number. … Define c = j = 1 n b j . …
    7: Preface
    The new DLMF (Digital Library of Mathematical Functions) will appear in a hardcover edition and as a free electronic publication on the World Wide Web. The authors will review the relevant published literature and produce approximately twice the number of formulas that were contained in the original Handbook. …
    8: 31.14 General Fuchsian Equation
    The general second-order Fuchsian equation with N + 1 regular singularities at z = a j , j = 1 , 2 , , N , and at , is given by …The exponents at the finite singularities a j are { 0 , 1 γ j } and those at are { α , β } , where …The three sets of parameters comprise the singularity parameters a j , the exponent parameters α , β , γ j , and the N 2 free accessory parameters q j . With a 1 = 0 and a 2 = 1 the total number of free parameters is 3 N 3 . …
    31.14.3 w ( z ) = ( j = 1 N ( z a j ) γ j / 2 ) W ( z ) ,
    9: Notices
  • Index of Selected Software Within the DLMF Chapters

    Within each of the DLMF chapters themselves we will provide a list of research software for the functions discussed in that chapter. The purpose of these listings is to provide references to the research literature on the engineering of software for special functions. To qualify for listing, the development of the software must have been the subject of a research paper published in the peer-reviewed literature. If such software is available online for free download we will provide a link to the software.

    In general, we will not index other software within DLMF chapters unless the software is unique in some way, such as being the only known software for computing a particular function.

  • Please contact us if you have software that you believe should be listed.
    10: Bibliography N
  • W. Narkiewicz (2000) The Development of Prime Number Theory: From Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • M. Neher (2007) Complex standard functions and their implementation in the CoStLy library. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 33 (1), pp. Article 2.
  • NetNUMPAC (free Fortran library)
  • NMS (free collection of Fortran subroutines)
  • Number Theory Web (website)