Wynn cross rule
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1: Bibliography W
Fast construction of the Fejér and Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rules.
BIT 46 (1), pp. 195–202.
Mathematical Software for the P.C. and Work Stations – A Collection of Fortran 77 Programs.
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
Upon systems of recursions which obtain among the quotients of the Padé table.
Numer. Math. 8 (3), pp. 264–269.
2: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
►The Padé approximants can be computed by Wynn’s cross rule.
Any five approximants arranged in the Padé table as
►For the recursive computation of by Wynn’s epsilon algorithm, see (3.9.11) and the subsequent text.
3: 18.40 Methods of Computation
►Gautschi (2004, p. 119–120) has explored the limit via the Wynn
-algorithm, (3.9.11) to accelerate convergence, finding four to eight digits of precision in , depending smoothly on , for , for an example involving first numerator Legendre OP’s.
Derivative Rule Approach
►An alternate, and highly efficient, approach follows from the derivative rule conjecture, see Yamani and Reinhardt (1975), and references therein, namely that … ► ►Further, exponential convergence in , via the Derivative Rule, rather than the power-law convergence of the histogram methods, is found for the inversion of Gegenbauer, Attractive, as well as Repulsive, Coulomb–Pollaczek, and Hermite weights and zeros to approximate for these OP systems on and respectively, Reinhardt (2018), and Reinhardt (2021b), Reinhardt (2021a). …4: Bibliography
Numerical computation of Tricomi’s psi function by the trapezoidal rule.
Computing 39 (3), pp. 271–279.
Numerical evaluation of the Kummer function with complex argument by the trapezoidal rule.
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 49 (3), pp. 315–327.
Numerical calculation of incomplete gamma functions by the trapezoidal rule.
Numer. Math. 50 (4), pp. 419–428.
Arb: A C Library for Arbitrary Precision Ball Arithmetic.
Center for Algorithms and Interactive Scientific Software.
5: Bibliography T
The numerical computation of special functions by use of quadrature rules for saddle point integrals. II. Gamma functions, modified Bessel functions and parabolic cylinder functions.
Report TW 183/78
Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Afdeling Toegepaste
Atlas for Computing Mathematical Functions: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners.
John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York.
6: Bibliography G
Stable computation of high order Gauss quadrature rules using discretization for measures in radiation transfer.
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 68 (2), pp. 213–223.
Computing special functions by using quadrature rules.
Numer. Algorithms 33 (1-4), pp. 265–275.
Calculation of Gauss quadrature rules.
Math. Comp. 23 (106), pp. 221–230.
Recurrence relations for cross-products of Bessel functions.
Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 2 (1), pp. 72–74.
GNU Scientific Library
The GNU Project.
7: Bibliography R
Universality properties of Gaussian quadrature, the derivative rule, and a novel approach to Stieltjes inversion.
Erratum to:Relationships between the zeros, weights, and weight functions of orthogonal polynomials: Derivative rule approach to Stieltjes and spectral imaging.
Computing in Science and Engineering 23 (4), pp. 91.
Relationships between the zeros, weights, and weight functions of orthogonal polynomials: Derivative rule approach to Stieltjes and spectral imaging.
Computing in Science and Engineering 23 (3), pp. 56–64.
Finite-sum rules for Macdonald’s functions and Hankel’s symbols.
Integral Transform. Spec. Funct. 10 (2), pp. 115–124.
8: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
Cross Product (or Vector Product)
… ►
►where is the unit vector normal to and whose direction is determined by the right-hand rule; see Figure 1.6.1.