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Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problems


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1: 3.7 Ordinary Differential Equations
§3.7(iv) SturmLiouville Eigenvalue Problems
The SturmLiouville eigenvalue problem is the construction of a nontrivial solution of the system …
2: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
The y ( x ) = L ^ n ( k ) ( x ) satisfy a second order SturmLiouville eigenvalue problem of the type illustrated in Table 18.8.1, as satisfied by classical OP’s, but now with rational, rather than polynomial coefficients: …
3: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
An important, and perhaps unexpected, feature of the EOP’s is now pointed out by noting that for 1D Schrödinger operators, or equivalent Sturm-Liouville ODEs, having discrete spectra with L 2 eigenfunctions vanishing at the end points, in this case ± see Simon (2005c, Theorem 3.3, p. 35), such eigenfunctions satisfy the Sturm oscillation theorem. …Both satisfy Sturm’s theorem. …
The Quantum Coulomb Problem
In what follows the radial and spherical radial eigenfunctions corresponding to (18.39.27) are found in four different notations, with identical eigenvalues, all of which appear in the current and past mathematical and theoretical physics and chemistry literatures, regarding this central problem. … with eigenvalues
4: Bibliography B
  • P. Baldwin (1991) Coefficient functions for an inhomogeneous turning-point problem. Mathematika 38 (2), pp. 217–238.
  • W. G. Bickley (1935) Some solutions of the problem of forced convection. Philos. Mag. Series 7 20, pp. 322–343.
  • S. Bochner (1929) Über Sturm-Liouvillesche Polynomsysteme. Math. Z. 29 (1), pp. 730–736.
  • J. P. Boyd and A. Natarov (1998) A Sturm-Liouville eigenproblem of the fourth kind: A critical latitude with equatorial trapping. Stud. Appl. Math. 101 (4), pp. 433–455.
  • N. Brazel, F. Lawless, and A. Wood (1992) Exponential asymptotics for an eigenvalue of a problem involving parabolic cylinder functions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 114 (4), pp. 1025–1032.
  • 5: Bibliography S
  • B. Simon (2005c) Sturm oscillation and comparison theorems. In Sturm-Liouville theory, pp. 29–43.
  • D. R. Smith (1986) Liouville-Green approximations via the Riccati transformation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 116 (1), pp. 147–165.
  • R. Spigler, M. Vianello, and F. Locatelli (1999) Liouville-Green-Olver approximations for complex difference equations. J. Approx. Theory 96 (2), pp. 301–322.
  • R. Spigler and M. Vianello (1992) Liouville-Green approximations for a class of linear oscillatory difference equations of the second order. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 41 (1-2), pp. 105–116.
  • R. Spigler and M. Vianello (1997) A Survey on the Liouville-Green (WKB) Approximation for Linear Difference Equations of the Second Order. In Advances in Difference Equations (Veszprém, 1995), S. Elaydi, I. Győri, and G. Ladas (Eds.), pp. 567–577.