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1: 5.11 Asymptotic Expansions
Wrench (1968) gives exact values of g k up to g 20 . …For explicit formulas for g k in terms of Stirling numbers see Nemes (2013a), and for asymptotic expansions of g k as k see Boyd (1994) and Nemes (2015a).
The expansion (5.11.1) is called Stirling’s series (Whittaker and Watson (1927, §12.33)), whereas the expansion (5.11.3), or sometimes just its leading term, is known as Stirling’s formula (Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, §6.1), Olver (1997b, p. 88)). … For similar results including a convergent factorial series see, Nemes (2013c). …
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