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1: 12.16 Mathematical Applications
►PCFs are used as basic approximating functions in the theory of contour integrals with a coalescing saddle point and an algebraic singularity, and in the theory of differential equations with two coalescing turning points; see §§2.4(vi) and 2.8(vi).
►Sleeman (1968b) considers certain orthogonality properties of the PCFs and corresponding eigenvalues.
In Brazel et al. (1992) exponential asymptotics are considered in connection with an eigenvalue problem involving PCFs.
►PCFs are also used in integral transforms with respect to the parameter, and inversion formulas exist for kernels containing PCFs.
2: 12.18 Methods of Computation
►Because PCFs are special cases of confluent hypergeometric functions, the methods of computation described in §13.29 are applicable to PCFs.
3: 12.1 Special Notation
►Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the variable, and fractional powers take their principal values.
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the parabolic cylinder functions (PCFs), also known as Weber parabolic cylinder functions: , , , and .
4: 12.17 Physical Applications
►The main applications of PCFs in mathematical physics arise when solving the Helmholtz equation
►Buchholz (1969) collects many results on boundary-value problems involving PCFs.
…Dean (1966) describes the role of PCFs in quantum mechanical systems closely related to the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator.
►Problems on high-frequency scattering in homogeneous media by parabolic cylinders lead to asymptotic methods for integrals involving PCFs.
5: 12.2 Differential Equations
►PCFs are solutions of the differential equation
6: 12.10 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for Large Parameter
►In this section we give asymptotic expansions of PCFs for large values of the parameter that are uniform with respect to the variable , when both and
are real.