Mellin transform methods
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1: 2.5 Mellin Transform Methods
§2.5 Mellin Transform Methods
… ►§2.5(ii) Extensions
… ►To apply the Mellin transform method outlined in §2.5(i), we require the transforms and to have a common strip of analyticity. … ►The Mellin transform method can also be extended to derive asymptotic expansions of multidimensional integrals having algebraic or logarithmic singularities, or both; see Wong (1989, Chapter 3), Paris and Kaminski (2001, Chapter 7), and McClure and Wong (1987). See also Brüning (1984) for a different approach. …2: 2.3 Integrals of a Real Variable
►where is the Mellin transform of (§2.5(i)).
§2.3(iii) Laplace’s Method
… ►The integral (2.3.24) transforms into … ►§2.3(vi) Asymptotics of Mellin Transforms
►For the asymptotics of the Mellin transform as see Frenzen (1987b), Sidi (1985, 2011).3: 3.5 Quadrature
►Stroud and Secrest (1966) includes computational methods and extensive tables.
►Oscillatory integral transforms are treated in Wong (1982) by a method based on Gaussian quadrature.
►Further methods are given in Clendenin (1966) and Lyness (1985).
►Other contour integrals occur in standard integral transforms or their inverses, for example, Hankel transforms (§10.22(v)), Kontorovich–Lebedev transforms (§10.43(v)), and Mellin transforms (§1.14(iv)).
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5: 2.6 Distributional Methods
§2.6 Distributional Methods
… ►§2.6(ii) Stieltjes Transform
… ► being the Mellin transform of or its analytic continuation (§2.5(ii)). … ►For a more detailed discussion of the derivation of asymptotic expansions of Stieltjes transforms by the distribution method, see McClure and Wong (1978) and Wong (1989, Chapter 6). … ►where is the Mellin transform of or its analytic continuation. …6: Bibliography S
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