Meixner polynomials
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1: 18.21 Hahn Class: Interrelations
2: 18.24 Hahn Class: Asymptotic Approximations
►For two asymptotic expansions of as , with and fixed, see Jin and Wong (1998) and Wang and Wong (2011).
►For asymptotic approximations for the zeros of in terms of zeros of (§9.9(i)), see Jin and Wong (1999) and Khwaja and Olde Daalhuis (2012).
►For an asymptotic expansion of as , with fixed, see Li and Wong (2001).
…Corresponding approximations are included for the zeros of .
►For asymptotic approximations to as , with fixed, see Temme and López (2001).
3: 18.22 Hahn Class: Recurrence Relations and Differences
Table 18.22.2: Difference equations (18.22.12) for Krawtchouk, Meixner, and Charlier polynomials.
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4: 18.19 Hahn Class: Definitions
►Tables 18.19.1 and 18.19.2 provide definitions via orthogonality and standardization (§§18.2(i), 18.2(iii)) for the Hahn polynomials
, Krawtchouk polynomials
, Meixner polynomials
, and Charlier polynomials
Table 18.19.1: Orthogonality properties for Hahn, Krawtchouk, Meixner, and Charlier OP’s: discrete sets, weight functions, standardizations, and parameter constraints.
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Meixner | , , | |||
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5: 18.20 Hahn Class: Explicit Representations
►For the Krawtchouk, Meixner, and Charlier polynomials, and are as in Table 18.20.1.
6: 18.23 Hahn Class: Generating Functions
7: 18.30 Associated OP’s
§18.30(v) Associated Meixner–Pollaczek Polynomials
►In view of (18.22.8) the associated Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials are defined by the recurrence relation ►
8: 18.35 Pollaczek Polynomials
►For the ultraspherical polynomials
, the Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials
and the associated Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials
see §§18.3, 18.19 and 18.30(v), respectively.