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Liouville theorem


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1: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
Liouville’s Theorem
2: 2.7 Differential Equations
For irregular singularities of nonclassifiable rank, a powerful tool for finding the asymptotic behavior of solutions, complete with error bounds, is as follows:
Liouville–Green Approximation Theorem
3: 15.16 Products
4: Bibliography S
  • B. Simon (2005c) Sturm oscillation and comparison theorems. In Sturm-Liouville theory, pp. 29–43.
  • 5: 27.2 Functions
    §27.2(i) Definitions
    (See Gauss (1863, Band II, pp. 437–477) and Legendre (1808, p. 394).) This result, first proved in Hadamard (1896) and de la Vallée Poussin (1896a, b), is known as the prime number theorem. … If ( a , n ) = 1 , then the Euler–Fermat theorem states that … This is Liouville’s function. …
    6: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    An important, and perhaps unexpected, feature of the EOP’s is now pointed out by noting that for 1D Schrödinger operators, or equivalent Sturm-Liouville ODEs, having discrete spectra with L 2 eigenfunctions vanishing at the end points, in this case ± see Simon (2005c, Theorem 3.3, p. 35), such eigenfunctions satisfy the Sturm oscillation theorem. …
    7: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
    Initial approximations to the zeros can often be found from asymptotic or other approximations to f ( z ) , or by application of the phase principle or Rouché’s theorem; see §1.10(iv). … … For describing the distribution of complex zeros of solutions of linear homogeneous second-order differential equations by methods based on the Liouville–Green (WKB) approximation, see Segura (2013). …
    8: Errata
    We now include Markov’s Theorem. In regard to orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, we now discuss monic polynomials, Verblunsky’s Theorem, and Szegő’s theorem. … The spectral theory of these operators, based on Sturm-Liouville and Liouville normal forms, distribution theory, is now discussed more completely, including linear algebra, matrices, matrices as linear operators, orthonormal expansions, Stieltjes integrals/measures, generating functions. …
  • Paragraph Prime Number Theorem (in §27.12)

    The largest known prime, which is a Mersenne prime, was updated from 2 43 , 112 , 609 1 (2009) to 2 82 , 589 , 933 1 (2018).

  • Subsections 1.15(vi), 1.15(vii), 2.6(iii)

    A number of changes were made with regard to fractional integrals and derivatives. In §1.15(vi) a reference to Miller and Ross (1993) was added, the fractional integral operator of order α was more precisely identified as the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator of order α , and a paragraph was added below (1.15.50) to generalize (1.15.47). In §1.15(vii) the sentence defining the fractional derivative was clarified. In §2.6(iii) the identification of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator was made consistent with §1.15(vi).

  • 9: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
    Orthogonality of the the classical OP’s with respect to a positive weight function, as in Table 18.3.1 requires, via Favard’s theorem, A n A n 1 C n > 0 for n 1 as per (18.2.9_5). … These results are proven in Everitt et al. (2004), via construction of a self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville operator which generates the L n ( k ) ( x ) polynomials, self-adjointness implying both orthogonality and completeness. … The y ( x ) = L ^ n ( k ) ( x ) satisfy a second order Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problem of the type illustrated in Table 18.8.1, as satisfied by classical OP’s, but now with rational, rather than polynomial coefficients: … In §18.39(i) it is seen that the functions, w ( x ) H ^ n + 3 ( x ) , are solutions of a Schrödinger equation with a rational potential energy; and, in spite of first appearances, the Sturm oscillation theorem, Simon (2005c, Theorem 3.3, p. 35), is satisfied. …
    10: 27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
    The fundamental theorem of arithmetic is linked to analysis through the concept of the Euler product. …
    27.4.7 n = 1 λ ( n ) n s = ζ ( 2 s ) ζ ( s ) , s > 1 ,