Kummer functions
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1: 13.6 Relations to Other Functions
§13.6(i) Elementary Functions
… ►§13.6(ii) Incomplete Gamma Functions
… ►§13.6(iv) Parabolic Cylinder Functions
… ►§13.6(vi) Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
… ►For representations of Coulomb functions in terms of Kummer functions see (33.2.4), (33.2.8) and (33.14.5).2: 13.1 Special Notation
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the Kummer functions
and , Olver’s function
, and the Whittaker functions
and .
3: 13.10 Integrals
§13.10(i) Indefinite Integrals
… ►§13.10(ii) Laplace Transforms
… ►§13.10(iii) Mellin Transforms
… ►§13.10(iv) Fourier Transforms
… ► …4: 13.12 Products
5: 13.2 Definitions and Basic Properties
6: 13.31 Approximations
7: 13.30 Tables
§13.30 Tables
…8: 13.13 Addition and Multiplication Theorems
§13.13(i) Addition Theorems for
►The function has the following expansions: … ►The function has the following expansions: … ►
§13.13(iii) Multiplication Theorems for and
…9: 12.20 Approximations
►Luke (1969b, pp. 25 and 35) gives Chebyshev-series expansions for the confluent hypergeometric functions
and (§13.2(i)) whose regions of validity include intervals with endpoints and , respectively.