Krattenthaler formula for determinants
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1: 1.3 Determinants, Linear Operators, and Spectral Expansions
§1.3(i) Determinants: Elementary Properties
… ►Relationships Between Determinants
… ►§1.3(ii) Special Determinants
… ►Cauchy Determinant
… ►Krattenthaler’s Formula
…2: 17.19 Software
3: Bibliography K
Determinant structure of the rational solutions for the Painlevé II equation.
J. Math. Phys. 37 (9), pp. 4693–4704.
Determinant structure of the rational solutions for the Painlevé IV equation.
J. Phys. A 31 (10), pp. 2431–2446.
On formulas involving both the Bernoulli and Fibonacci numbers.
Scripta Math. 23, pp. 27–35.
The addition formula for Laguerre polynomials.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 8 (3), pp. 535–540.
HYP and HYPQ. Mathematica packages for the manipulation of binomial sums and hypergeometric series respectively -binomial sums and basic hypergeometric series.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 30, pp. 61–76.
4: 1.2 Elementary Algebra
The Determinant
►The matrix has a determinant, , explored further in §1.3, denoted, in full index form, as …where is defined by the Leibniz formula … ►A square matrix is singular if , otherwise it is non-singular. … ►Relation of Eigenvalues to the Determinant and Trace
…5: 23.10 Addition Theorems and Other Identities
6: 18.2 General Orthogonal Polynomials
§18.2(v) Christoffel–Darboux Formula
… ►Confluent Form
… ►§18.2(ix) Moments
… ►It is to be noted that, although formally correct, the results of (18.2.30) are of little utility for numerical work, as Hankel determinants are notoriously ill-conditioned. … ►Degree lowering and raising differentiation formulas and structure relations
…7: Bibliography S
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (8), pp. 912–915.
Calculation of the gamma function by Stirling’s formula.
Math. Comp. 25 (114), pp. 317–322.
Gaussian Quadrature Formulas.
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J..
8: Bibliography V
Some Wonderful Formulas
an Introduction to Polylogarithms.
In Proceedings of the Queen’s Number Theory Conference, 1979
(Kingston, Ont., 1979), R. Ribenboim (Ed.),
Queen’s Papers in Pure and Appl. Math., Vol. 54, Kingston, Ont., pp. 269–286.
Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics.
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 134, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Certain summation formulae for -series.
J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 47 (1-4), pp. 71–85 (1986).
9: 1.12 Continued Fractions