Hermite polynomials
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1: 18.3 Definitions
§18.3 Definitions
►The classical OP’s comprise the Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. … ►Table 18.3.1 provides the traditional definitions of Jacobi, Laguerre, and Hermite polynomials via orthogonality and standardization (§§18.2(i) and 18.2(iii)). … ► …2: 18.41 Tables
►For () see §14.33.
►Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Tables 22.4, 22.6, 22.11, and 22.13) tabulates , , , and for .
The ranges of are for and , and for and .
The precision is 10D, except for which is 6-11S.
►For , , and see §3.5(v).
3: 7.10 Derivatives
4: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
►The type III -Hermite EOP’s, missing polynomial orders and , are the complete set of polynomials, with real coefficients and defined explicitly as
►In §18.39(i) it is seen that the functions, , are solutions of a Schrödinger equation with a rational potential energy; and, in spite of first appearances, the Sturm oscillation theorem, Simon (2005c, Theorem 3.3, p. 35), is satisfied.
5: 28.9 Zeros
►For the zeros of and approach asymptotically the zeros of , and the zeros of and approach asymptotically the zeros of .
Here denotes the Hermite polynomial of degree (§18.3).
6: 18.8 Differential Equations
7: 18.7 Interrelations and Limit Relations
8: 18.6 Symmetry, Special Values, and Limits to Monomials
►For Jacobi, ultraspherical, Chebyshev, Legendre, and Hermite polynomials, see Table 18.6.1.