Hankel transform
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1: 15.14 Integrals
►Hankel transforms of hypergeometric functions are given in Oberhettinger (1972, §1.17) and Erdélyi et al. (1954b, §8.17).
2: 10.74 Methods of Computation
Hankel Transform
… ►The spherical Bessel transform is the Hankel transform (10.22.76) in the case when is half an odd positive integer. …3: 10.1 Special Notation
►For older notations see British Association for the Advancement of Science (1937, pp. xix–xx) and Watson (1944, Chapters 1–3).
4: 13.10 Integrals
§13.10(v) Hankel Transforms
… ►For additional Hankel transforms and also other Bessel transforms see Erdélyi et al. (1954b, §8.18) and Oberhettinger (1972, §§1.16 and 3.4.42–46, 4.4.45–47, 5.94–97). …5: 13.23 Integrals
§13.23(iii) Hankel Transforms
… ►For additional Hankel transforms and also other Bessel transforms see Erdélyi et al. (1954b, §8.18) and Oberhettinger (1972, §1.16 and 3.4.42–46, 4.4.45–47, 5.94–97). …6: Bibliography W
Algorithm 794: Numerical Hankel transform by the Fortran program HANKEL.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 25 (2), pp. 240–250.
Error bounds for asymptotic expansions of Hankel transforms.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 7 (6), pp. 799–808.
Asymptotic expansions of Hankel transforms of functions with logarithmic singularities.
Comput. Math. Appl. 3 (4), pp. 271–286.
7: Bibliography F
Numerical calculation of singular integrals related to Hankel transform.
Comput. Math. Appl. 21 (2-3), pp. 87–94.
A note on asymptotic evaluation of some Hankel transforms.
Math. Comp. 45 (172), pp. 537–548.
8: Bibliography C
A quadrature formula for the Hankel transform.
Numer. Algorithms 9 (2), pp. 343–354.
Numerical integration of related Hankel transforms by quadrature and continued fraction expansion.
Geophysics 48 (12), pp. 1671–1686.
Optimized fast Hankel transform filters.
Geophysical Prospecting 38 (5), pp. 545–568.
Computation of Hankel transforms.
SIAM Rev. 14 (2), pp. 278–285.
9: Bibliography J
Fast Hankel transforms.
Geophysical Prospecting 27 (4), pp. 876–901.
10: 10.22 Integrals