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Hankel determinant


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1: 3.9 Acceleration of Convergence
3.9.9 t n , 2 k = H k + 1 ( s n ) H k ( Δ 2 s n ) , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , ,
where H m is the Hankel determinant
3.9.10 H m ( u n ) = | u n u n + 1 u n + m 1 u n + 1 u n + 2 u n + m u n + m 1 u n + m u n + 2 m 2 | .
The ratio of the Hankel determinants in (3.9.9) can be computed recursively by Wynn’s epsilon algorithm: …
2: 24.14 Sums
These identities can be regarded as higher-order recurrences. Let det [ a r + s ] denote a Hankel (or persymmetric) determinant, that is, an ( n + 1 ) × ( n + 1 ) determinant with element a r + s in row r and column s for r , s = 0 , 1 , , n . …
3: 18.2 General Orthogonal Polynomials
§18.2(ix) Moments
The Hankel determinant Δ n of order n is defined by Δ 0 = 1 and …It is to be noted that, although formally correct, the results of (18.2.30) are of little utility for numerical work, as Hankel determinants are notoriously ill-conditioned. …