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Hahn class orthogonal polynomials


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11—16 of 16 matching pages

11: 13.6 Relations to Other Functions
Charlier Polynomials
12: 18.2 General Orthogonal Polynomials
In fact, these are the only OP’s which are Sheffer polynomials (with Krawtchouk polynomials being only a finite system) …
13: 18.25 Wilson Class: Definitions
§18.25 Wilson Class: Definitions
The Wilson class consists of two discrete families (Racah and dual Hahn) and two continuous families (Wilson and continuous dual Hahn). Table 18.25.1 lists the transformations of variable, orthogonality ranges, and parameter constraints that are needed in §18.2(i) for the Wilson polynomials W n ( x ; a , b , c , d ) , continuous dual Hahn polynomials S n ( x ; a , b , c ) , Racah polynomials R n ( x ; α , β , γ , δ ) , and dual Hahn polynomials R n ( x ; γ , δ , N ) . … Under certain conditions on their parameters the orthogonality range for the Wilson polynomials and continuous dual Hahn polynomials is ( 0 , ) S , where S is a specific finite set, e. …
§18.25(ii) Weights and Standardizations: Continuous Cases
14: 15.9 Relations to Other Functions
15: 18.26 Wilson Class: Continued
§18.26(ii) Limit Relations
See also Figure 18.21.1.
§18.26(iii) Difference Relations
§18.26(iv) Generating Functions
§18.26(v) Asymptotic Approximations
16: Bibliography
  • W. A. Al-Salam and L. Carlitz (1965) Some orthogonal q -polynomials. Math. Nachr. 30, pp. 47–61.
  • W. A. Al-Salam (1990) Characterization theorems for orthogonal polynomials. In Orthogonal Polynomials (Columbus, OH, 1989), NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., Vol. 294, pp. 1–24.
  • G. E. Andrews and R. Askey (1985) Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. In Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications, C. Brezinski, A. Draux, A. P. Magnus, P. Maroni, and A. Ronveaux (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 1171, pp. 36–62.
  • R. Askey and J. Wilson (1985) Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 54 (319), pp. iv+55.
  • R. Askey (1985) Continuous Hahn polynomials. J. Phys. A 18 (16), pp. L1017–L1019.