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1: 27.2 Functions
§27.2(i) Definitions
Euclid’s Elements (Euclid (1908, Book IX, Proposition 20)) gives an elegant proof that there are infinitely many primes. … (See Gauss (1863, Band II, pp. 437–477) and Legendre (1808, p. 394).) … This is the number of positive integers n that are relatively prime to n ; ϕ ( n ) is Euler’s totient. If ( a , n ) = 1 , then the Euler–Fermat theorem states that …
2: 27.16 Cryptography
Thus, y x r ( mod n ) and 1 y < n . … By the Euler–Fermat theorem (27.2.8), x ϕ ( n ) 1 ( mod n ) ; hence x t ϕ ( n ) 1 ( mod n ) . …
3: Bibliography R
  • E. M. Rains (1998) Normal limit theorems for symmetric random matrices. Probab. Theory Related Fields 112 (3), pp. 411–423.
  • J. Raynal (1979) On the definition and properties of generalized 6 - j  symbols. J. Math. Phys. 20 (12), pp. 2398–2415.
  • P. Ribenboim (1979) 13 Lectures on Fermat’s Last Theorem. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • G. B. Rybicki (1989) Dawson’s integral and the sampling theorem. Computers in Physics 3 (2), pp. 85–87.
  • 4: 24.17 Mathematical Applications
    §24.17(iii) Number Theory
    Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials occur in: number theory via (24.4.7), (24.4.8), and other identities involving sums of powers; the Riemann zeta function and L -series (§25.15, Apostol (1976), and Ireland and Rosen (1990)); arithmetic of cyclotomic fields and the classical theory of Fermat’s last theorem (Ribenboim (1979) and Washington (1997)); p -adic analysis (Koblitz (1984, Chapter 2)). …
    5: 20 Theta Functions
    Chapter 20 Theta Functions
    6: Bibliography C
  • L. Carlitz (1961b) The Staudt-Clausen theorem. Math. Mag. 34, pp. 131–146.
  • R. Chelluri, L. B. Richmond, and N. M. Temme (2000) Asymptotic estimates for generalized Stirling numbers. Analysis (Munich) 20 (1), pp. 1–13.
  • M. Colman, A. Cuyt, and J. Van Deun (2011) Validated computation of certain hypergeometric functions. ACM Trans. Math. Software 38 (2), pp. Art. 11, 20.
  • M. D. Cooper, R. H. Jeppesen, and M. B. Johnson (1979) Coulomb effects in the Klein-Gordon equation for pions. Phys. Rev. C 20 (2), pp. 696–704.
  • G. Cornell, J. H. Silverman, and G. Stevens (Eds.) (1997) Modular Forms and Fermat’s Last Theorem. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • 7: 27.18 Methods of Computation: Primes
    These algorithms are used for testing primality of Mersenne numbers, 2 n 1 , and Fermat numbers, 2 2 n + 1 . …
    8: 27.15 Chinese Remainder Theorem
    §27.15 Chinese Remainder Theorem
    This theorem is employed to increase efficiency in calculating with large numbers by making use of smaller numbers in most of the calculation. …Their product m has 20 digits, twice the number of digits in the data. By the Chinese remainder theorem each integer in the data can be uniquely represented by its residues (mod m 1 ), (mod m 2 ), (mod m 3 ), and (mod m 4 ), respectively. …These numbers, in turn, are combined by the Chinese remainder theorem to obtain the final result ( mod m ) , which is correct to 20 digits. …
    9: Peter L. Walker
    Walker’s books are An Introduction to Complex Analysis, published by Hilger in 1974, The Theory of Fourier Series and Integrals, published by Wiley in 1986, Elliptic Functions. A Constructive Approach, published by Wiley in 1996, and Examples and Theorems in Analysis, published by Springer in 2004. …
  • 10: 27.8 Dirichlet Characters
    For any character χ ( mod k ) , χ ( n ) 0 if and only if ( n , k ) = 1 , in which case the Euler–Fermat theorem (27.2.8) implies ( χ ( n ) ) ϕ ( k ) = 1 . …