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Fermat last theorem


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1: 24.17 Mathematical Applications
§24.17(iii) Number Theory
Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials occur in: number theory via (24.4.7), (24.4.8), and other identities involving sums of powers; the Riemann zeta function and L -series (§25.15, Apostol (1976), and Ireland and Rosen (1990)); arithmetic of cyclotomic fields and the classical theory of Fermat’s last theorem (Ribenboim (1979) and Washington (1997)); p -adic analysis (Koblitz (1984, Chapter 2)). …
2: Bibliography R
  • P. Ribenboim (1979) 13 Lectures on Fermat’s Last Theorem. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • 3: Bibliography C
  • G. Cornell, J. H. Silverman, and G. Stevens (Eds.) (1997) Modular Forms and Fermat’s Last Theorem. Springer-Verlag, New York.