Dirichlet theorem
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1: 27.11 Asymptotic Formulas: Partial Sums
►where , .
►Letting in (27.11.9) or in (27.11.11) we see that there are infinitely many primes if are coprime; this is Dirichlet’s theorem
on primes in arithmetic progressions.
2: 25.15 Dirichlet -functions
►This result plays an important role in the proof of Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions (§27.11).
Related results are:
3: 27.8 Dirichlet Characters
4: 27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
§27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
►The fundamental theorem of arithmetic is linked to analysis through the concept of the Euler product. … ►
►called Dirichlet series with coefficients .
The function is a generating function, or more precisely, a Dirichlet generating
function, for the coefficients.
5: Bibliography
Theorems on generalized Dedekind sums.
Pacific J. Math. 2 (1), pp. 1–9.
Dirichlet series related to the Riemann zeta function.
J. Number Theory 19 (1), pp. 85–102.
Note on the trivial zeros of Dirichlet
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 94 (1), pp. 29–30.
Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory.
2nd edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 41, Springer-Verlag, New York.
A Centennial History of the Prime Number Theorem.
In Number Theory,
Trends Math., pp. 1–14.
6: Bibliography G
Formulas of the Dirichlet-Mehler Type.
In Fractional Calculus and its Applications, B. Ross (Ed.),
Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 457, pp. 207–215.
A theorem on the numerators of the Bernoulli numbers.
Amer. Math. Monthly 97 (2), pp. 136–138.
Dirichlet convolution of cotangent numbers and relative class number formulas.
Monatsh. Math. 110 (3-4), pp. 231–256.
Multilateral summation theorems for ordinary and basic hypergeometric series in
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (6), pp. 1576–1596.
7: 25.2 Definition and Expansions
►For further expansions of functions similar to (25.2.1) (Dirichlet series) see §27.4.
, .
8: Bibliography D
Note on the addition theorem of parabolic cylinder functions.
J. Indian Math. Soc. (N. S.) 4, pp. 29–30.
Ramanujan’s master theorem for symmetric cones.
Pacific J. Math. 175 (2), pp. 447–490.
Beweis des Satzes, dass jede unbegrenzte arithmetische Progression, deren erstes Glied und Differenz ganze Zahlen ohne gemeinschaftlichen Factor sind, unendlich viele Primzahlen enthält.
Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften von 1837, pp. 45–81 (German).
Über die Bestimmung der mittleren Werthe in der Zahlentheorie.
Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften von 1849, pp. 69–83 (German).
On Vandermonde’s theorem, and some more general expansions.
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 25, pp. 114–132.
9: 18.10 Integral Representations
§18.10(i) Dirichlet–Mehler-Type Integral Representations
…10: Errata
►We now include Markov’s Theorem.
In regard to orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, we now discuss monic polynomials, Verblunsky’s Theorem, and Szegő’s theorem.
Section 27.11
Paragraph Prime Number Theorem (in §27.12)
Equation (25.11.36)
The largest known prime, which is a Mersenne prime, was updated from (2009) to (2018).