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Dirac equation


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1: 33.22 Particle Scattering and Atomic and Molecular Spectra
§33.22(iv) Klein–Gordon and Dirac Equations
The motion of a relativistic electron in a Coulomb field, which arises in the theory of the electronic structure of heavy elements (Johnson (2007)), is described by a Dirac equation. …
2: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
Bound state solutions to the relativistic Dirac Equation, for this same problem of a single electron attracted by a nucleus with Z protons, involve Laguerre polynomials of fractional index. …
3: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
of the Dirac delta distribution. Equation (1.18.19) is often called the completeness relation. … Applying the representation (1.17.13), now symmetrized as in (1.17.14), as 1 x δ ( x y ) = 1 x y δ ( x y ) , … These latter results also correspond to use of the δ ( x y ) as defined in (1.17.12_1) and (1.17.12_2). … Thus, and this is a case where q ( x ) is not continuous, if q ( x ) = α δ ( x a ) , α > 0 , there will be an L 2 eigenfunction localized in the vicinity of x = a , with a negative eigenvalue, thus disjoint from the continuous spectrum on [ 0 , ) . …
4: 1.17 Integral and Series Representations of the Dirac Delta
Equations (1.17.12_1) through (1.17.16) may re-interpreted as spectral representations of completeness relations, expressed in terms of Dirac delta distributions, as discussed in §1.18(v), and §1.18(vi) Further mathematical underpinnings are referenced in §1.17(iv). …
5: Mathematical Introduction
These include, for example, multivalued functions of complex variables, for which new definitions of branch points and principal values are supplied (§§1.10(vi), 4.2(i)); the Dirac delta (or delta function), which is introduced in a more readily comprehensible way for mathematicians (§1.17); numerically satisfactory solutions of differential and difference equations (§§2.7(iv), 2.9(i)); and numerical analysis for complex variables (Chapter 3). …
6: 1.16 Distributions
§1.16(iii) Dirac Delta Distribution
The Dirac delta distribution is singular. … As distributions, the last equation reads …
1.16.40 δ ( t ) e i x t d t = 1 ;
Since the quantity on the extreme right of (1.16.41) is equal to 2 π δ , ϕ , as distributions, the result in this equation can be stated as …
7: Bibliography T
  • N. M. Temme and A. B. Olde Daalhuis (1990) Uniform asymptotic approximation of Fermi-Dirac integrals. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 31 (3), pp. 383–387.
  • S. A. Teukolsky (1972) Rotating black holes: Separable wave equations for gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 (16), pp. 1114–1118.
  • J. S. Thompson (1996) High Speed Numerical Integration of Fermi Dirac Integrals. Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
  • E. C. Titchmarsh (1958) Eigenfunction Expansions Associated with Second Order Differential Equations, Part 2, Partial Differential Equations. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • A. Trellakis, A. T. Galick, and U. Ravaioli (1997) Rational Chebyshev approximation for the Fermi-Dirac integral F 3 / 2 ( x ) . Solid–State Electronics 41 (5), pp. 771–773.
  • 8: 2.6 Distributional Methods
    To each function in this equation, we shall assign a tempered distribution (i. … The Dirac delta distribution in (2.6.17) is given by … To derive the asymptotic expansion of 𝐼 μ f ( x ) , we recall equations (2.6.17) and (2.6.20). …These equations again hold only in the sense of distributions. … For rigorous derivations of these results and also order estimates for δ n ( x ) , see Wong (1979) and Wong (1989, Chapter 6).
    9: Software Index
    10: Bibliography L
  • C. G. Lambe and D. R. Ward (1934) Some differential equations and associated integral equations. Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 5, pp. 81–97.
  • E. W. Leaver (1986) Solutions to a generalized spheroidal wave equation: Teukolsky’s equations in general relativity, and the two-center problem in molecular quantum mechanics. J. Math. Phys. 27 (5), pp. 1238–1265.
  • Y. T. Li and R. Wong (2008) Integral and series representations of the Dirac delta function. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 7 (2), pp. 229–247.
  • Y. A. Li and P. J. Olver (2000) Well-posedness and blow-up solutions for an integrable nonlinearly dispersive model wave equation. J. Differential Equations 162 (1), pp. 27–63.
  • N. A. Lukaševič (1971) The second Painlevé equation. Differ. Uravn. 7 (6), pp. 1124–1125 (Russian).