Coulomb wave functions
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1: 30.12 Generalized and Coulomb Spheroidal Functions
§30.12 Generalized and Coulomb Spheroidal Functions
►Generalized spheroidal wave functions and Coulomb spheroidal functions are solutions of the differential equation …2: 33.1 Special Notation
3: Bibliography Y
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Phys. Rev. 49 (2), pp. 174–189.
4: Bibliography H
Calculation of Coulomb wave functions for high energies.
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Coulomb Wave Functions.
In Handbuch der Physik, Bd. 41/1, S. Flügge (Ed.),
pp. 408–465.
Analytical structure and properties of Coulomb wave functions for real and complex energies.
Ann. Physics 155 (2), pp. 461–493.
Bessel function expansions of Coulomb wave functions.
J. Math. Phys. 26 (4), pp. 656–659.
5: Bibliography I
The zeros of regular Coulomb wave functions and of their derivatives.
Math. Comp. 29, pp. 878–887.
6: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
a) Spherical Radial Coulomb Wave Functions Expressed in terms of Laguerre OP’s
… ►c) Spherical Radial Coulomb Wave Functions
… ►The radial Coulomb wave functions , solutions of … ►d) Radial Coulomb Wave Functions Expressed in Terms of the Associated Coulomb–Laguerre OP’s
… ►Discretized and Continuum Expansions of Scattering Eigenfunctions in terms of Pollaczek Polynomials: J-matrix Theory
…7: Bibliography G
Algorithm 292: Regular Coulomb wave functions.
Comm. ACM 9 (11), pp. 793–795.
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Comm. ACM 10 (4), pp. 244–245.
8: Bibliography
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Physical Rev. (2) 96, pp. 77–79.
Regular and irregular Coulomb wave functions expressed in terms of Bessel-Clifford functions.
J. Math. Physics 33, pp. 111–116.
9: Bibliography P
Recurrence formulas for Coulomb wave functions.
Physical Rev. (2) 72 (7), pp. 626–627.
10: Bibliography F
Numerical treatment of Coulomb wave functions.
Rev. Mod. Phys. 27 (4), pp. 399–411.