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Coulomb potential barriers


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1: 33.22 Particle Scattering and Atomic and Molecular Spectra
At positive energies E > 0 , ρ 0 , and: … R = m e c α 2 / ( 2 ) . …
§33.22(vi) Solutions Inside the Turning Point
The penetrability of repulsive Coulomb potential barriers is normally expressed in terms of the quantity ρ / ( F 2 ( η , ρ ) + G 2 ( η , ρ ) ) (Mott and Massey (1956, pp. 63–65)). …
2: 17.17 Physical Applications
See Kassel (1995). … It involves q -generalizations of exponentials and Laguerre polynomials, and has been applied to the problems of the harmonic oscillator and Coulomb potentials. …
3: 15.18 Physical Applications
The hypergeometric function has allowed the development of “solvable” models for one-dimensional quantum scattering through and over barriers (Eckart (1930), Bhattacharjie and Sudarshan (1962)), and generalized to include position-dependent effective masses (Dekar et al. (1999)). More varied applications include photon scattering from atoms (Gavrila (1967)), energy distributions of particles in plasmas (Mace and Hellberg (1995)), conformal field theory of critical phenomena (Burkhardt and Xue (1991)), quantum chromo-dynamics (Atkinson and Johnson (1988)), and general parametrization of the effective potentials of interaction between atoms in diatomic molecules (Herrick and O’Connor (1998)).
4: Bibliography Y
  • H. A. Yamani and L. Fishman (1975) J -matrix method: Extensions to arbitrary angular momentum and to Coulomb scattering. J. Math. Phys. 16, pp. 410–420.
  • H. A. Yamani and W. P. Reinhardt (1975) L -squared discretizations of the continuum: Radial kinetic energy and the Coulomb Hamiltonian. Phys. Rev. A 11 (4), pp. 1144–1156.
  • K. Yang and M. de Llano (1989) Simple Variational Proof That Any Two-Dimensional Potential Well Supports at Least One Bound State. American Journal of Physics 57 (1), pp. 85–86.
  • F. L. Yost, J. A. Wheeler, and G. Breit (1936) Coulomb wave functions in repulsive fields. Phys. Rev. 49 (2), pp. 174–189.
  • 5: 13.28 Physical Applications
    For potentials in quantum mechanics that are solvable in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions see Negro et al. (2000). …
    §13.28(ii) Coulomb Functions
    6: 33.17 Recurrence Relations and Derivatives
    §33.17 Recurrence Relations and Derivatives
    33.17.1 ( + 1 ) r f ( ϵ , 1 ; r ) ( 2 + 1 ) ( ( + 1 ) r ) f ( ϵ , ; r ) + ( 1 + ( + 1 ) 2 ϵ ) r f ( ϵ , + 1 ; r ) = 0 ,
    33.17.2 ( + 1 ) ( 1 + 2 ϵ ) r h ( ϵ , 1 ; r ) ( 2 + 1 ) ( ( + 1 ) r ) h ( ϵ , ; r ) + r h ( ϵ , + 1 ; r ) = 0 ,
    33.17.3 ( + 1 ) r f ( ϵ , ; r ) = ( ( + 1 ) 2 r ) f ( ϵ , ; r ) ( 1 + ( + 1 ) 2 ϵ ) r f ( ϵ , + 1 ; r ) ,
    33.17.4 ( + 1 ) r h ( ϵ , ; r ) = ( ( + 1 ) 2 r ) h ( ϵ , ; r ) r h ( ϵ , + 1 ; r ) .
    7: Bibliography S
  • M. J. Seaton (1982) Coulomb functions analytic in the energy. Comput. Phys. Comm. 25 (1), pp. 87–95.
  • M. J. Seaton (1984) The accuracy of iterated JWBK approximations for Coulomb radial functions. Comput. Phys. Comm. 32 (2), pp. 115–119.
  • M. J. Seaton (2002a) Coulomb functions for attractive and repulsive potentials and for positive and negative energies. Comput. Phys. Comm. 146 (2), pp. 225–249.
  • M. J. Seaton (2002b) FGH, a code for the calculation of Coulomb radial wave functions from series expansions. Comput. Phys. Comm. 146 (2), pp. 250–253.
  • D. C. Shaw (1985) Perturbational results for diffraction of water-waves by nearly-vertical barriers. IMA J. Appl. Math. 34 (1), pp. 99–117.
  • 8: 5.20 Physical Applications
    Rutherford Scattering
    In nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, collisions between two charged particles are described with the aid of the Coulomb phase shift ph Γ ( + 1 + i η ) ; see (33.2.10) and Clark (1979). … Suppose the potential energy of a gas of n point charges with positions x 1 , x 2 , , x n and free to move on the infinite line < x < , is given by
    5.20.1 W = 1 2 = 1 n x 2 1 < j n ln | x x j | .
    5.20.2 P ( x 1 , , x n ) = C exp ( W / ( k T ) ) ,
    9: 33.15 Graphics
    §33.15 Graphics
    §33.15(i) Line Graphs of the Coulomb Functions f ( ϵ , ; r ) and h ( ϵ , ; r )
    See accompanying text
    Figure 33.15.1: f ( ϵ , ; r ) , h ( ϵ , ; r ) with = 0 , ϵ = 4 . Magnify
    §33.15(ii) Surfaces of the Coulomb Functions f ( ϵ , ; r ) , h ( ϵ , ; r ) , s ( ϵ , ; r ) , and c ( ϵ , ; r )
    See accompanying text
    Figure 33.15.9: h ( ϵ , ; r ) with = 1 , 2 < ϵ < 2 , 15 < r < 15 . Magnify 3D Help
    10: 33.2 Definitions and Basic Properties
    §33.2(i) Coulomb Wave Equation
    The functions H ± ( η , ρ ) are defined by … σ ( η ) is the Coulomb phase shift. …
    §33.2(iv) Wronskians and Cross-Product