Bessel-function expansion
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1: 10.23 Sums
Partial Fractions
… ►§10.23(iii) Series Expansions of Arbitrary Functions
►Neumann’s Expansion
… ►Fourier–Bessel Expansion
… ► …2: 10.35 Generating Function and Associated Series
►Jacobi–Anger expansions: for ,
3: 10.40 Asymptotic Expansions for Large Argument
§10.40 Asymptotic Expansions for Large Argument
… ►Products
… ►§10.40(ii) Error Bounds for Real Argument and Order
… ►§10.40(iii) Error Bounds for Complex Argument and Order
… ►§10.40(iv) Exponentially-Improved Expansions
…4: 12.18 Methods of Computation
►These include the use of power-series expansions, recursion, integral representations, differential equations, asymptotic expansions, and expansions in series of Bessel functions.
5: 10.74 Methods of Computation
►In the case of the spherical Bessel functions the explicit formulas given in §§10.49(i) and 10.49(ii) are terminating cases of the asymptotic expansions given in §§10.17(i) and 10.40(i) for the Bessel functions and modified Bessel functions.
►For applications of the continued-fraction expansions (10.10.1), (10.10.2), (10.33.1), and (10.33.2) to the computation of Bessel functions and modified Bessel functions see Gargantini and Henrici (1967), Amos (1974), Gautschi and Slavik (1978), Tretter and Walster (1980), Thompson and Barnett (1986), and Cuyt et al. (2008).
Fourier–Bessel Expansion
…6: 33.20 Expansions for Small
§33.20(i) Case
… ►where is given by (33.14.11), (33.14.12), and ►
§33.20(iv) Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
… ►These expansions are in terms of elementary functions, Airy functions, and Bessel functions of orders and .7: 6.10 Other Series Expansions