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Bailey chain


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1: 17.12 Bailey Pairs
When (17.12.5) is iterated the resulting infinite sequence of Bailey pairs is called a Bailey Chain. … The Bailey pair and Bailey chain concepts have been extended considerably. …
2: Bibliography
  • G. E. Andrews (2000) Umbral calculus, Bailey chains, and pentagonal number theorems. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 91 (1-2), pp. 464–475.
  • G. E. Andrews (2001) Bailey’s Transform, Lemma, Chains and Tree. In Special Functions 2000: Current Perspective and Future Directions (Tempe, AZ), J. Bustoz, M. E. H. Ismail, and S. K. Suslov (Eds.), NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., Vol. 30, pp. 1–22.
  • 3: Bibliography S
  • V. P. Spiridonov (2002) An elliptic incarnation of the Bailey chain. Int. Math. Res. Not. 2002 (37), pp. 1945–1977.