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1: 34.6 Definition: 9 ⁒ j Symbol
§34.6 Definition: 9 ⁒ j Symbol
β–ΊThe 9 ⁒ j symbol may be defined either in terms of 3 ⁒ j symbols or equivalently in terms of 6 ⁒ j symbols: β–Ί
34.6.1 { j 11 j 12 j 13 j 21 j 22 j 23 j 31 j 32 j 33 } = all  ⁒ m r ⁒ s ( j 11 j 12 j 13 m 11 m 12 m 13 ) ⁒ ( j 21 j 22 j 23 m 21 m 22 m 23 ) ⁒ ( j 31 j 32 j 33 m 31 m 32 m 33 ) ⁒ ( j 11 j 21 j 31 m 11 m 21 m 31 ) ⁒ ( j 12 j 22 j 32 m 12 m 22 m 32 ) ⁒ ( j 13 j 23 j 33 m 13 m 23 m 33 ) ,
34.6.2 { j 11 j 12 j 13 j 21 j 22 j 23 j 31 j 32 j 33 } = j ( 1 ) 2 ⁒ j ⁒ ( 2 ⁒ j + 1 ) ⁒ { j 11 j 21 j 31 j 32 j 33 j } ⁒ { j 12 j 22 j 32 j 21 j j 23 } ⁒ { j 13 j 23 j 33 j j 11 j 12 } .
β–ΊThe 9 ⁒ j symbol may also be written as a finite triple sum equivalent to a terminating generalized hypergeometric series of three variables with unit arguments. …
2: 9.2 Differential Equation
9.2.2 w = Ai ⁑ ( z ) , Bi ⁑ ( z ) , Ai ⁑ ( z ⁒ e βˆ“ 2 ⁒ Ο€ ⁒ i / 3 ) .
9.2.3 Ai ⁑ ( 0 ) = 1 3 2 / 3 ⁒ Ξ“ ⁑ ( 2 3 ) = 0.35502 80538 ⁒ ,
9.2.4 Ai ⁑ ( 0 ) = 1 3 1 / 3 ⁒ Ξ“ ⁑ ( 1 3 ) = 0.25881 94037 ⁒ ,
9.2.5 Bi ⁑ ( 0 ) = 1 3 1 / 6 ⁒ Ξ“ ⁑ ( 2 3 ) = 0.61492 66274 ⁒ ,
9.2.6 Bi ⁑ ( 0 ) = 3 1 / 6 Ξ“ ⁑ ( 1 3 ) = 0.44828 83573 ⁒ .
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  • 5: 15.7 Continued Fractions
    15.7.1 𝐅 ⁑ ( a , b ; c ; z ) 𝐅 ⁑ ( a , b + 1 ; c + 1 ; z ) = t 0 u 1 ⁒ z t 1 u 2 ⁒ z t 2 u 3 ⁒ z t 3 β‹― ,
    β–Ί β–Ί
    6: 25.16 Mathematical Applications
    25.16.2 ψ ⁑ ( x ) = x ΢ ⁑ ( 0 ) ΢ ⁑ ( 0 ) ρ x ρ ρ + o ⁑ ( 1 ) , x ,
    25.16.4 ψ ⁑ ( x ) = x + O ⁑ ( x 1 2 + ϡ ) , x ,
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    25.16.14 r = 1 k = 1 r 1 r ⁒ k ⁒ ( r + k ) = 5 4 ⁒ ΢ ⁑ ( 3 ) ,
    25.16.15 r = 1 k = 1 r 1 r 2 ⁒ ( r + k ) = 3 4 ⁒ ΢ ⁑ ( 3 ) .
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