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1: Sidebar 21.SB1: Periodic Surface Waves
The caption reads “Mosaic of two overhead photographs, showing surface patterns of waves in shallow water”. …
2: 21.9 Integrable Equations
See accompanying text
Figure 21.9.1: Two-dimensional periodic waves in a shallow water wave tank, taken from Hammack et al. (1995, p. 97) by permission of Cambridge University Press. The original caption reads “Mosaic of two overhead photographs, showing surface patterns of waves in shallow water. … Magnify
3: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
4: 22.3 Graphics
5: 18.3 Definitions
6: Errata
  • Section 3.1

    In ¶IEEE Standard (in §3.1(i)), the description was modified to reflect the most recent IEEE 754-2019 Floating-Point Arithmetic Standard IEEE (2019). In the new standard, single, double and quad floating-point precisions are replaced with new standard names of binary32, binary64 and binary128. Figure 3.1.1 has been expanded to include the binary128 floating-point memory positions and the caption has been updated using the terminology of the 2019 standard. A sentence at the end of Subsection 3.1(ii) has been added referring readers to the IEEE Standards for Interval Arithmetic IEEE (2015, 2018).

    Suggested by Nicola Torracca.

  • Figures 22.3.22 and 22.3.23

    The captions for these figures have been corrected to read, in part, “as a function of k 2 = i κ 2 ” (instead of k 2 = i κ ). Also, the resolution of the graph in Figure 22.3.22 was improved near κ = 3 .

    Reported 2011-10-30 by Paul Abbott.