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1: 13.30 Tables
Žurina and Osipova (1964) tabulates and for , , , 7D or 7S.
Slater (1960) tabulates for , , and , 7–9S; for and , 7D; the smallest positive -zero of for and , 7D.
2: 14.33 Tables
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 8) tabulates for , , 5–8D; for , , 5–7D; and for , , 6–8D; and for , , 6S; and for , , 6S. (Here primes denote derivatives with respect to .)
Zhang and Jin (1996, Chapter 4) tabulates for , , 7D; for , , 8D; for , , 8S; for , , 8D; for , , , , 8S; for , , 8S; for , , , 5D; for , , 7S; for , , 8S. Corresponding values of the derivative of each function are also included, as are 6D values of the first 5 -zeros of and of its derivative for , .
Žurina and Karmazina (1963) tabulates the conical functions for , , 7S; for , , 7S. Auxiliary tables are included to assist computation for larger values of when .
3: 33.24 Tables
4: Bibliography M
5: 6.19 Tables
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 5) includes , , , , ; , , , , ; , , , , ; , , , , ; , , . Accuracy varies but is within the range 8S–11S.
Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 652, 689) includes , , , 8D; , , , 8S.
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 5) includes the real and imaginary parts of , , , 6D; , , , 6D; , , , 6D.
6: 19.37 Tables
Functions and
►Tabulated for , to 3D by Nellis and Carlson (1966). ►Function with
►Tabulated for , to 5D by Carlson (1961a). …7: 11.14 Tables
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 12) tabulates and for to 5D or 7D; , , and for to 6D.
Jahnke and Emde (1945) tabulates for and to 4D.
Agrest and Maksimov (1971, Chapter 11) defines incomplete Struve, Anger, and Weber functions and includes tables of an incomplete Struve function for , , and , together with surface plots.
8: 28.35 Tables
Blanch and Rhodes (1955) includes , , , ; 8D. The range of is 0 to 0.1, with step sizes ranging from 0.002 down to 0.00025. Notation: , .
National Bureau of Standards (1967) includes the eigenvalues , for with , and with ; Fourier coefficients for and for , , respectively, and various values of in the interval ; joining factors , for with (but in a different notation). Also, eigenvalues for large values of . Precision is generally 8D.
Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 521–532) includes the eigenvalues , for , ; (’s) or 19 (’s), . Fourier coefficients for , , . Mathieu functions , , and their first -derivatives for , . Modified Mathieu functions , , and their first -derivatives for , , . Precision is mostly 9S.
Ince (1932) includes the first zero for , for or , ; 4D. This reference also gives zeros of the first derivatives, together with expansions for small .
9: 8.26 Tables
Pearson (1965) tabulates the function () for , to 7D, where rounds off to 1 to 7D; also for , to 5D.
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, pp. 245–248) tabulates for , to 7D; also for , to 6S.
Chiccoli et al. (1988) presents a short table of for , to 14S.
Pagurova (1961) tabulates for , to 4-9S; for , to 7D; for , to 7S or 7D.
Zhang and Jin (1996, Table 19.1) tabulates for , to 7D or 8S.
10: 7.23 Tables
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 7) includes , , , 10D; , , 8S; , , 7D; , , , 6S; , , 10D; , , 9D; , , , 7D; , , , , 15D.
Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 637, 639) includes , , , 8D; , , , 8D.
Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 638, 640–641) includes the real and imaginary parts of , , , 7D and 8D, respectively; the real and imaginary parts of , , , 8D, together with the corresponding modulus and phase to 8D and 6D (degrees), respectively.