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1—10 of 73 matching pages
1: Bibliography M
Algorithm AS 63. The incomplete beta integral.
Appl. Statist. 22 (3), pp. 409–411.
Explicit error terms for asymptotic expansions of Stieltjes transforms.
J. Inst. Math. Appl. 22 (2), pp. 129–145.
Exceptional orthogonal polynomials.
Methods of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 1, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
Methods of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 2, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
2: 22 Jacobian Elliptic Functions
Chapter 22 Jacobian Elliptic Functions
…3: 34.6 Definition: Symbol
4: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
5: 34.7 Basic Properties: Symbol
6: Staff
William P. Reinhardt, University of Washington, Chaps. 20, 22, 23
Peter L. Walker, American University of Sharjah, Chaps. 20, 22, 23
William P. Reinhardt, University of Washington, for Chaps. 20, 22, 23
Peter L. Walker, American University of Sharjah, for Chaps. 20, 22, 23
7: William P. Reinhardt
►In November 2015, Reinhardt was named Senior Associate Editor of the DLMF and Associate Editor for Chapters 20, 22, and 23.